Calibration Examples
The following topics provide a detailed description of the theory and practical use of the available calibration possibilities. The first examples describe the different applications:
Introduction and Example: 1 Standard and 1 Substance
Several Standards with Several Substances Each
Multiple-Point Calibration Using One Single Standard
Calibrating Using Standards of an Old Sequence
Calibrating Unstable Substances
No Pure Substance Available - Known Relative Extinction Coefficient
For an overview of the different calibration options for which an Internal Standard (ISTD) is used, refer to Calibrating with an Internal Standard Substance.
The Calibration Mode determines the standard samples that are used for calibrating specific unknown samples. For an overview of the different calibration modes and the topics that provide more information, refer to Calibration Modes for External Calibration.
For more information about validation, refer to:
Entering the Concentration/Amount of the Validation Sample
Validating the Calibration Curve
For a better compatibility with PeakNet 5, Chromeleon also supports Inverting Dependent and Independent Variables.
To apply an existing calibration to a new sequence that consists of one or several Unknown samples, set the Calibration Mode to Fixed. Always perform calibration manually (Calibrate). The Auto-Recalibrate option is not available.