Configuring the Chromeleon Server

Your Dionex Service Representative installs and configures the components of your chromatography system and installs Chromeleon software. However, you might need to change the installation later. In this case, refer to:

 Starting the Server Configuration and Configuring the Server

 Adding, Configuring, or Deleting Devices

 Sharing Components

 Assigning Components to Timebases

 Linking Components

 Controlling Devices without a Separate Device Driver

 Creating Access Control for Servers and Timebases

 Saving or Loading the Server Configuration

 Checking the Server Configuration

 Entering the Software License in the Server Configuration Program

 Updating Moduleware



When you reconfigure the server (even after changes to other instruments, such as the ASI-100), Chromeleon automatically turns off the gas flow and the oven in the aQa mass spectrometer. A warning usually appears beforehand; however, this is not possible in remote operation. Therefore, always disconnect the mass spectrometer from the HPLC system or stop the flow of the HPLC pump before reconfiguring the server.

Before connecting new chromatography components to Chromeleon or before installing additional PC plug-in cards and Sharable Devices, refer to:

 Installing a Sharable Device


For some IC devices, certain built-in diagnostic and calibration ("System Wellness") functions are provided. These functions are enabled and disabled from the Server Configuration program. For more information, refer to  Enabling and Disabling System Wellness Functions for IC Devices.

For an overview of System Wellness features for IC devices and a list of supported devices, refer to Validation, AutoQ, and System Wellness  System Wellness for IC Devices (Overview) in the User Help section.