Configuring the Chromeleon Server
Updating Moduleware/Firmware

In Chromeleon, the synonymously used terms Moduleware and Firmware are used to describe the instrument control software, which is installed on all Thermo Scientific/Dionex instruments. Firmware/Moduleware sends status information and data to Chromeleon and receives control parameters from Chromeleon. Moduleware and firmware files have the extension .fmw or .hex.

Depending on whether  the device is connected via DX-LAN or USB, the firmware update follows different rules.

To install new versions of Moduleware on modules connected to the DX-LAN:

  1. Insert the CD containing the new Moduleware version into the CD drive.

  2. Start the Server Configuration program by selecting Server Configuration on the Start> Programs menu on the taskbar.

  3. Select Dionex DX-LAN Card under Sharable Devices and select Properties on the Edit or context menu.

  4. Select the Update Moduleware tab page. The names of the currently connected modules, their DX-LAN ID numbers, and current Moduleware versions are displayed.

  5. Click Select.

  6. Select the file containing the new Moduleware version and click OK. The selected file appears in the Moduleware File box.


    Make certain that the Moduleware matches the module type before updating. Downloading the wrong type of Moduleware can corrupt the module's memory.

  7. Select the name of the module to be updated from the list of modules; click Update. The new Moduleware version is downloaded to the selected module and the new version number appears in the list. Repeat this step to update additional modules of the same type.

To install new versions of Moduleware on modules connected via USB (Universal Serial Bus):

  1. Insert the CD containing the new Moduleware/Firmware version into the CD drive.

  2. Start the Server Configuration program by selecting Server Configuration on the Start > Programs menu on the taskbar.

  3. In the Timebase, select the device for which you want to update the Moduleware.

  4. Select Properties on the Edit or context menu and select the General tab page.

  5. Click Download. A file open dialog box appears.

  6. Select the file containing the new Moduleware/Firmware version. Click Open. A dialog box informs you of the download progress. Depending on the installed device, the new version number appears either in the Moduleware version field, or the message Download finished successfully is displayed  in the Messages Server window when the download is complete.


For some modules (for example, the AD25 detector), the module’s BIOS is also included in the Moduleware file and is updated at the same time as the Moduleware.

Moduleware/Firmware Update via Thermo Fisher Scientific Support

Contact your local Thermo Fisher Scientific Service Representative in the following cases:

  1. If the minimum firmware version supported by Chromeleon is newer than the firmware version of the installed device:

For example, after a Chromeleon update, the installed firmware may no longer be supported. When connecting a new driver to an already configured device, the driver might not be compatible with the firmware on the device. If this is the case, a warning to that effect is logged to the audit trail to update the firmware version on the device.

  1. If the firmware version stored in the device's configuration in Chromeleon is different from the firmware version of the installed device:

For example, after a firmware upgrade on the device or a replacement with a newer model, the configuration is mismatched. When connecting a driver to a device that is running a firmware version different from that stored in the driver's configuration, the connection is aborted due to a firmware version mismatch. In order to update the stored firmware version to that installed on the device, for most devices it is possible to click the designated button, such as "Download", "Install", "Install Firmware" or "Retrieve Configuration", usually on the General page of the Instrument Configuration Manager. If such a button is not available, contact your local Thermo Fisher Scientific Service Representative to upgrade to the latest firmware version.



Do not downgrade the firmware! Downgrading the firmware to a previous version may result in loss of functionality or malfunctioning of the device.

To ensure that the download is successful, make sure that the communication between the device and Chromeleon is not interrupted during the download and do not turn off the device.