Sharable Devices

Chromeleon records signals from several devices and controls different instruments. The signals are sent to the Server PC via PC plug-in cards or the UCI Universal Chromatography Interface. To avoid requiring an individual card or interface be available for each device from which signals are recorded and to which signals are sent, the cards or the interface provide several channels.

The different devices need not be part of the same Timebase. For example, to enable signal recording by detectors from different timebases, the PC plug-in cards or the interface are not assigned to one specific timebase. Instead, the card or interface is shared between multiple timebases. Therefore, the PC plug-in cards and the interfaces are called Sharable Devices.

Each slot of a PC plug-in card or interface corresponds to a channel. In the Server Configuration program, assign a signal to each used channel: Install the corresponding device driver and assign the signals on the Signals page. The Remote Inject and the Integrator Driver are available for non-controlled systems (usually GC, but also non-controlled chromatography systems). The Integrator Driver can also be used to record the pump pressure.

The advantage of this conception is that you do not have to rewrite all Programs concerned if you plan to connect a device to a different channel. Instead, just change the A/D port assignment in the respective driver.


Some chromatography instruments are also "sharable." For example, the AS-AP Autosampler can be shared between two timebases, as can the ICS-5000 Detector/Chromatography (DC). Sharing of these devices is enabled in the Server Configuration program.