Dionex Autosamplers
Dionex UltiMate 3000 Series Autosamplers

In addition to the standard autosampler commands (see  Dionex Autosamplers), the autosamplers in the UltiMate 3000 series provide additional commands for controlling instrument functions. The following commands are available (please note that the display Filter level determines which commands and properties are displayed).


Depending on the autosampler type, some commands or properties may not be available.





Acquires exclusive access for the current timebase.


Turns the air pump on or off. The air pump provides outside air that is used to dry the needle.


Specifies how often the tray is shaken before the sample is drawn. Tray shakes allow homogenization of the sample, especially after longer idle times.


Specifies which sample containers are installed in the blue segment.

Note: If you later install different sample containers in the carousel, you must update the settings:

  • If you want to use the sample containers as standard containers, you can change the standard settings in the Properties dialog box for the autosampler (Segments/Pump Link tab page) in the Server Configuration program.

  • If you want to use the sampler containers only for a specific application, change the settings here or on the control panel for the autosampler. Changing the settings here will not change the standard settings in the Properties dialog box.

If the settings in Chromeleon do not match the installed sample containers, the needle may be damaged.


Indicates the bootloader version (read-only).


Adapts the brightness of the autosampler's front panel display to your requirements.


Reports the volume of the installed buffer tubing (read-only).


Adapts the screen contrast of the autosampler's front panel display to your requirements.


Defines the height of the adapter to be used exclusively with deep well plates (24, 96 and 384 positions) of different heights (20 - 46 mm).


The property can only be set if the latest firmware is installed on the sampler.


Sets the time that the needle shall remain in the sample container after dispensing.


Sets the speed at which the sample is expelled for standard injections


Sets the time that the needle shall remain in the sample container after sample was drawn.


Sets the speed at which the sample is drawn for standard injections.


Enables or disables automatic tray detection. By default, the tray detection is Enabled for the WPS-3000SL/RS/TXRS and Disabled for the WPS-3000PL (RS)/FC.


Reports which timebase has exclusive access to the autosampler (read-only).


Fills the wash port with wash liquid.


Sets the position for the first transport vial. Transport vials are required only for microliter pick-up injections. (Also, see LastTransportVial.)


The “flush out” factor is a multiple of the sample volume and defines the number of sample volumes to be flushed out of the sample loop before the injection valve is switched from the “Inject” to “Load” position.

Enter the n-fold of the injection volume in the FlushOutFactor box. Considering flow rate, injection volume, and the total of the capillary volumes, Chromeleon converts the factor into a time after which the injection valve is switched to “Load”.

This option minimizes the gradient delay volume of an HPLC system, and thus reduces flush and equilibration times.


A valve switch might not be carried out if the switch command interferes with other tasks of the sampler after an injection such as a wash step. A typical error message would be "Sampler is busy".


Sets the flush volume to be used for the first Full-Loop, Partial-Loop, or microliter pick-up injection.


For the WPS-3000FC, the flush volume must be equal to or larger than the needle volume + the bridge volume.


Sets the flush volume that shall be used for additional injections from the same vial for Full-Loop and Partial-Loop injections when RinseBetweenInjections=No.


Specifies which sample containers are installed in the green segment. Also, see BlueTray.


Specify the number of increments by which the sample position is to be extended (see PositionCalculator). For more information, refer to   Sample Position Commands (WPS-3000/ACC-3000).


Moves the needle arm to the left and the sample needle upwards to enable replacement of the needle.


Initiates the procedure for exchanging the syringe. (Also, see TerminateChangeSyringe.)


Rotates the sample containers specified by the Tray parameter to the front, allowing you to change the vials or plates easily. Select BlueTray, GreenTray, or RedTray to move the corresponding plate or tray to the front). Or else, select BlueVials, GreenVials, or RedVials to move the corresponding segment with the transport vials to the front.


Injects the sample. If you create a user-defined WPS-3000 program, e.g., in the  Program Wizard, use the Inject command to start the program. In this case, injection is performed after the UdpInjectMarker command of the user-defined program.


Reports the current position of the injection valve: Inject, Load, SwitchToInject, SwitchToLoad, or Unknown.


Injection mode (UserProg, Partial,  FullLoop,  µlPickUp,  Normal) (for more information, refer to the operating instructions for the instrument).


Switches the injection valve into the Inject position.


Switches the injection valve into the Load position.


Reports the time that has passed between the issuing of the injection command by Chromeleon and the response from the autosampler (read-only).


Specifies whether the wash procedure is part of the standard inject procedure (not for InjectMode = UserProg). Select an option:

  • NoWash: no wash cycle is performed (recommended for typical applications),

  • BeforeInj: performs a wash step before drawing a sample – and thus before sample injection (needle contains no sample liquid),

  • AfterInj (pulled loop samplers with fractionation option only): performs a wash step after sample injection

  • AfterDraw (split loop samplers only): after drawing a sample (and before the needle is moved to the injection port) the needle is washed externally

  • Both: combines options BeforeInj and AfterInj (pulled loop samplers with fractionation option) or BeforeInj and AfterDraw respectively (split loop samplers)

For user-defined injection procedures, you have to set wash steps explicitly.


Indicates the timebase(s) in which the autosampler is installed.


Sets the position for the last transport vial. Transport vials are required only for microliter pick-up injections. (Also, see FirstTransportVial.)


Reports whether the leak sensor detected a leak NoLeak or Leak.


Turns off the beep for the current alarm. A new beep sounds when the leak sensor detects another leak.


The following options are available:
- Enables leak detection. If the sensor is activated, a message appears in the Chromeleon Audit Trail and an acoustic beep sounds.
- Enables leak detection. If the sensor is activated, a message appears in the Chromeleon Audit Trail, but no beep sounds.
- Disables leak detection.


Specifies how long the needle remains in the needle seat when the injection valve was switched from Inject to Load before it moves to the sample vial.
Default: 2 ms/µl sample loop volume.


(Used only for full-loop injections)
The volume of the sample loop and the LoopOverfill factor determine the volume that is drawn in and/or transported through the sample loop before the sample is injected. Example:

Loop volume: 5 µl, LoopOverfill: 2 =
Volume to be drawn: 10 µl + flush volume


Reports the volume of the installed sample loop (read-only).


Factor for the loop wash volume. The contents of the buffer loop and the LoopWashFactor determine the loop wash volume. The default factor is 2 for micro and analytical HPLC applications, and 1.1 for semipreparative HPLC applications.


Determines the volume for Low Dispersion Injections. The volume is calculated by multiplying the original sample volume with the factor.


Sets the flow rate with which the sample is flushed out of the sample loop in Low Dispersion Mode.


Enables low dispersion mode.


Sets the maximum inject volume of the application. This parameter is required for calculation of the Bypass Time (see also Flush Out Factor).


Reports the maximum pressure that the current autosampler variant supports (read-only).


Reports the autosampler variant (read-only).


Indicates the version of the motor controller (read-only).


Moves the needle to the position specified by NeedleHeight.


Moves the needle to the topmost position (Home position).


Moves the needle over the position specified with the Position property.


Determines to which position the needle moves with the MoveNeedleDown command.


Reports the volume of the installed needle (read-only).


Reports whether the autosampler is ready to operate.


Sets the sample position on the carousel. For more information, refer to   Defining Sample Positions.


Calculates the sample position (for example, for the prep vial) from the current position. Use the IncrementPositionCalculator property to specify the number of positions to be incremented. For more information, refer to   Sample Position Commands (WPS-3000/ACC-3000).


Starts the inject procedure for the next sample (if another sample is available). However, the inject valve will be switched at the next Inject command.


Starts the inject procedure for the current sample. However, the injection valve will be switched at the next Inject command.


Sets the position for the sample container used for sample preparation. This position is used for UdpDraw and UdpDispense operations if PrepVial has been selected in the From and/or To fields of the UdpDraw and/or UdpDispense commands.


Primes the syringe by filling and emptying it. Use PrimeSyringeNumber to determine how often the syringe is primed.


Specifies how often the syringe is filled and emptied during the PrimeSyringe operation.


This property is available only if you have specified on the Segments/ Pump Link tab in the Chromeleon Server Configuration in the autosampler's properties that the injection command be synchronized with the strokes of an UltiMate 3000 series pump. Usually, the setting from the Segments / Pump Link tab page is displayed by default, e.g., MicroPump or Loading Pump.
If you want to change the synchronization assignment for a specific application, enter the pump in the input field. This will not change the standard setting on the Segments/ Pump Link tab page.


Moves the carousel by the specified value while the needle is in the septum, thus enlarging the hole in the septum and equalizing the pressure in the vial. Select this parameter when using large injection volumes and unslotted septa.


Sets the speed of the puncturer.


Moves the puncturer and needle down.


Moves the puncturer down and the needle up.


Moves the puncturer up and the needle down.


Moves the puncturer and needle up.


Moves needle to the wash port and draws mobile phase or air from the pump to reduce the pump priming time.


Stops the purge pump.


Defines how deep the needle descends into the container for sampling. For details, refer to  Autosampler Control: Defining the Needle Height.


Indicates which vial (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, or H) is used in Draw/Dispense commands, if From/To is set to ReagentA/B/C/D/E/F/G/HVial. See also: UdpDraw/UdpDispense.


Specifies which sample containers are installed in the red segment. Also, see BlueTray.


Sets whether relay 4 is controlled as "normal" relay by Chromeleon, or used for the inject response signal.

Xsec_InjectOut: Depending on the specified duration, relay 4 will be active for this time upon each inject. This function can be used, for example, to automatically send a start signal to a mass spectrometer upon injection.

Select Yes for user-defined control via a Chromeleon program, i.e., if you want to control the relay via the Relay_4.On and "Relay_4.Off commands instead.


Releases the exclusive access of the current timebase to the autosampler.


Sets the autosampler to the initial conditions when the instrument was turned on.


Sets whether a wash cycle is performed after each injection. If set to Yes, a wash cycle is performed  after each injection. If set to No, the wash cycle is skipped when the next injection is performed from the same vial. (Read-only for the WPS-3000FC.)


This command allows you to inject several times from the same vial without losing sample between the injections by rinsing.

A wash cycle is always performed after the last sample in a sequence.


Defines how deep the needle descends into the container for sampling (standard injections). For details, refer to  Autosampler Control: Defining the Needle Height.


Defines the bottom height of the sample container (= distance between the outer and inner bottom of the sample container). Also, see SampleHeight.


Reports the seat capillary volume in [µl].


Resets the autosampler settings to the Dionex factory default settings.


Performs a self-test.


You cannot start a batch when the sampler failed the self-test.


Sets the autosampler into the Standby mode or cancels this mode (NoStandby). Available values: Standby, NoStandby, WakingUp, EnteringStandby. (WakingUp and EnteringStandby are temporary states that the device assumes automatically, it is therefore neither required nor reasonable to select these values from the commands list.)


You cannot start a batch when the sampler is in standby mode.


Reports whether the autosampler has injected: On (= injection has been performed) or Off (= injection has not yet been performed). (Read-only)


Indicates which operation the autosampler is currently performing (read-only).


Stops the running injection.


This property is available only if you have specified on the Segments tab in the autosampler's properties that the injection command be synchronized with the strokes of an UltiMate 3000 series pump. In this case, the setting is On. If you want to disable synchronization for a specific application, set the property to Off. (Also, see PumpDevice.)


SyncWithPump is automatically set to On when you change the PumpDevice setting.

Synchronization only takes place, however, if it is explicitly requested in the PGM file. Ensure the file contains a line SyncWithPump = On. Manually setting this property prior to starting the batch is not sufficient.


Reports the volume of the installed syringe (read-only).


Reports the current position of the syringe valve: Needle, Wash, Waste, or Unknown.


Factor for the syringe wash volume. The syringe volume and the SyringeWashFactor determine the syringe wash volume. The default factor is 1.


Terminates the procedure for exchanging the syringe. (Also, see InitiateChangeSyringe.)


Defines how deep the needle descends into the container for sampling. For details, refer to  Autosampler Control: Defining the Needle Height.


Sets how often transport liquid can be drawn from one transport vial.


Keep in mind that two draw operations are required for microliter pick-up.


Reports how often transport liquid was drawn from the transport vials.


Reset the counter to zero after you have refilled the transport vials. If the maximum permissible number of draw operations, as defined with TransportVialCapacity, has been reached, a message ("out of transport liquid") is logged in the Chromeleon Audit Trail.


Sets how deep the puncturer descends into the transport vial, measured from the top of the transport vial.


Sets wether tray illumination is On or Off. When using light-sensitive samples, tray illumination should be set to Off.


Sets the injection volume for standard injections.


Performs a wash operation. The liquid volume used during the wash procedure can be set in the WashVolume command.


Washes the buffer loop using the specified volume.


Washes the sample loop.


Sets the syringe speed for the wash operation.


Sets the volume that is drawn for the wash cycle (also see command Wash).


  • The ACC-3000 automatically performs a wash cycle after each injection.

  • When using a WPS-3000SL/RS, WashVolume sets the volume for the wash procedure specified in the InjectWash command.


Sets the syringe speed for expelling liquid to the waste.



Sample Thermostatting Commands (Autosamplers with Thermostatting Option only)




Enter the allowable deviation of the current temperature from the target temperature. When the ReadyTempDelta is exceeded,  the autosampler is not ready to operate (TemperatureReady = NotReady).


Enables temperature control of the sample rack (On). To deactivate temperature control, set to Off.


Sets the target temperature for the carousel and thus, for the sample. Click the "+" character beside the name to display the items underneath: Value (reports the actual temperature), Nominal (sets the target temperature), UpperLimit (sets the upper temperature limit), and LowerLimit (sets the lower temperature limit). The system aborts the sample batch and/or starts error handling if the nominal temperature is outside the specified limits.


Reports whether the autosampler is ready to operate. When the current temperature deviates from the target temperature by more than the ReadyTempDelta, Chromeleon reports NotReady (read-only).

System Wellness and Predictive Performance commands and properties


Note that the installed Chromeleon version and autosampler type determine which commands and properties are available.




Counts how many times the needle capillary has moved.


Reports the total cooling work load [K*min] since the module has been shipped (read-only).


Counts the operating time [h] of the peristaltic pump (read-only).


After you have replaced the peristaltic pump tube, perform this command to update the related service information. The DrainPumpTubeChangeDate counter is automatically set to the current date; the DrainPumpTubeHours are reset to "0".


Reports the date when the peristaltic pump tube was changed last (read-only).


Counts the operating hours of the peristaltic pump with the currently installed tube.


Reports the current operating hours of the peristaltic pump (read-only) with the currently installed tube.


A warning appears when the specified value is reached.


An error message appears when the specified value is reached.


Reports the total heating work load [K*min] since the module has been shipped (read-only).


Counts how many times the horizontal drive moves into a new position (read-only).


Counts how many times the injection valve switches (read-only).


Reports the date when the needle was replaced last (read-only).


After you have replaced the needle, perform this command to update the related service information. The NeedleChangeDate is automatically set to the current date; the NeedleMovements and NeedleObstructions counters are reset to "0".


Counts how many times the needle drive moves into a new position (read-only).


Counts how many times the needle moves downwards into the needle seat.


Reports the current number of movements (read-only).


A warning appears when the specified value is reached.


An error message appears when the specified value is reached.


Counts how many times the needle descends on an obstacle.


After you have replaced the needle seat, perform this command to update the related service information. The NeedleSeatChangeDate is automatically set to the current date; the NeedleSeatCounter is reset to "0".


Reports when the needle seat was replaced last (read-only).


Counts how many times the needle moves into the needle seat.


Reports the current number of needle movements Into the needle seat (read-only).


A warning appears when the specified value is reached.


An error message appears when the specified value is reached.


Counts the operating hours since initial operation (excluding the operating hours in standby mode; read-only).


Counts the time since last power-up (or last wake-up from standby) (read-only).


Counts the operating hours of the purge pump (read-only).


Provides information about system qualification.


Reports the date when autosampler qualification was performed last (read-only).


Reports the name of the person who performed the autosampler qualification (read-only).


Reports the interval (in days) when the next system qualification is due.


Specifies the period during which a warning appears before the next service is due.


Indicates the period during which the device may be operated after the due date for re-qualification.


Perform this command after qualification to update the related system data. The Qualification - LastDate is automatically set to the current date, the Qualification - LastOperator is set to the current user.


After you have replaced the rotor seal, perform this command to update the related service information. The RotorSealChangeDate counter is automatically set to the current date; the RotorSealSwitches are reset to "0".


Reports when the rotor seal was replaced last (read-only).


Counts how many times the injection valve has switched since the rotor seal was replaced last.


Reports the current number of injection valve switchings (read-only).


A warning appears when the specified value is reached.


An error message appears when the specified value is reached.


Provides service information.


Reports the date of the last service (read-only).


Specify the interval (in days) after which a service is due.


Specifies the period during which a warning appears before the next service is due.


After the device has been serviced, perform this command to update the related information. The Service - LastDate property is automatically set to the current date.


Counts the total operating hours in standby mode since the module was operated for the first time (read-only).


After you have replaced the syringe, perform this command to update the related service information. The SyringeChangeDate counter is automatically set to the current date; the SyringeMovements counter is reset to "0".


Reports when the syringe was replaced last (read-only).


Counts how many times the syringe drive moves into a new position (read-only).


Counts how many times the syringe moves into a new position.


Reports the current value of syringe movements (read-only).


A warning appears when the specified value is reached.


An error message appears when the specified value is reached.


Counts how many times the syringe valve switches (read-only).


Counts the number of injections (read-only).


Counts how many times the tray moves to a new position (read-only).


For a basic description of Dionex autosamplers, including the standard commands, refer to:

 Dionex Autosamplers.

For information on the additional commands of the ACC-3000 autosampler, refer to:

 Dionex UltiMate 3000 Series Autosampler Column Compartment.

For information on fraction collection with the  WPS-3000TFC and WPS-3000PL with Micro Fraction Collection Option, refer to:

 Dionex UltiMate 3000 Series Autosamplers: Commands and Tips for Fraction Collection

For more information about the sample preparation commands for the WPS-3000 autosamplers, refer to:

 Dionex WPS-3000 Autosamplers: Commands for User-Defined Programs.

For information about how to use the commands in practical operation, refer to:

Practical Tips for Device Control  Examples for User-Defined Programs for the WPS-3000 Autosamplers.

For information about how to install the autosampler, refer to:

Hardware Installation  UltiMate 3000 Series - Autosamplers

Hardware Installation  UltiMate 3000 Series - Autosampler Column Compartment