Dionex Autosamplers
Dionex AS-AP Autosampler
In addition to the "standard" autosampler commands (see Dionex Autosamplers), the AS-AP Autosampler supports many additional commands and properties for controlling autosampler functions. The following commands and properties are available. (Please note that the display Filter level determines which commands and properties are displayed and that, depending on the autosampler configuration, some commands or properties may not be available.)
Auxiliary, Diverter, Fraction, Injection, and Syringe Valve Commands and Properties
For the AS-AP to control the position of an injection valve installed in another module (for example, an ICS-5000 DC), the external valve must be linked to the AS-AP. To verify or change the valve control assignment, launch the Server Configuration program and open the Properties dialog box for the module in which the valve is installed (see Adding, Configuring, or Deleting Devices). Depending on the type of module, control of the injection valve is selected on either the Inject Valve or the High Pressure Valves tab page.
Flush and Prime Commands and Properties
Command/Property |
Description |
FlushVolume |
(For Pull or Push mode only) Sets the flush volume to be used for the first FullLoop and PartialLoop injection.
The recommended flush volume is 2 x (needle volume + bridge volume). (Also, see BridgeVolume.) |
FlushVolume2 |
(For Pull or Push mode only) Sets the flush volume to be used for additional injections from the same vial for Full-Loop and Partial-Loop injections when RinseBetweenInjections is set to No. |
PrimeSyringe |
Primes the syringe by filling and emptying it the number of times specified by the PrimeSyringeNumber. |
PrimeSyringeNumber |
Sets the number of times the syringe is filled and emptied during a PrimeSyringe operation. |
Configuration and Status Commands and Properties
Command/Property |
Description |
BlueTray |
Specifies which sample containers are installed in the blue section of the carousel. Note: During initial installation of the autosampler, the standard carousel configuration is specified in the Properties dialog box (in the Server Configuration program). If you later install sample containers of a different type, be sure to update the configuration settings. If there is a discrepancy between the settings in Chromeleon and the sample containers installed in the carousel, the needle may be damaged. |
BridgeVolume |
(For Pull mode only) Specifies the size (volume) of the bridge tubing installed. |
BufferTubingVolume |
Reports the volume of the buffer tubing installed (read-only). |
DilutionMixDispenseHeight |
Specifies the distance (in mm) from the bottom of the vial to the tip of the needle during the dispense operation when the Mix_DrawDispense and DiluteWithWash commands are executed. |
DilutionMixDispenseSpeed |
Specifies the syringe speed for the dispense operation when the Mix_DrawDispense and DiluteWithWash commands are executed. |
DilutionMixDrawHeight |
Specifies the distance (in mm) from the bottom of the vial to the tip of the needle during the draw operation when the Mix_DrawDispense and DiluteWithWash commands are executed. |
DilutionMixDrawSpeed |
Specifies the syringe speed for the draw operation when the Mix_DrawDispense and DiluteWithWash commands are executed. |
DilutionMixIterations |
Specifies the number of times the Draw_and_Dispense operation is performed when the Mix_DrawDispense, Dilute, and DiluteWithWash commands are executed. |
DilutionMixMode |
Specifies the type of mixing action when the Dilute command is executed: Carousel_Shake, Draw_and_Dispense, or Auto. If you select Auto, Chromeleon automatically implements the Carousel_Shake mode for 10 ml vials and the Draw_and_Dispense mode for 0.3 ml and 1.5 ml vials. |
ExecuteQueue |
Executes all currently queued commands. |
GreenTray |
Specifies which sample containers are installed in the green section of the carousel. (Also, see the Note in the BlueTray description.) |
InitiateChangeNeedle |
Moves the needle arm to the left and the sample needle upward to enable replacement of the needle. |
InitiateChangeSyringe |
Initiates the procedure for exchanging the syringe. (Also, see TerminateChangeSyringe.) |
Leak |
Reports the status of the leak sensor. |
LeakAlarmOff |
Turns off the leak alarm. |
Controls how detected leaks are handled.
LoopVolume |
Reports the size (volume) of loop installed on the first injection valve (read-only). |
LoopVolume2 |
(For Push Simultaneous or Push Sequential modes only) Reports the size (volume) of loop installed on the second injection valve (read-only). |
ManualWash |
Performs a wash operation with the wash volume specified. |
MoveNeedleToInjectPort |
Moves the needle above the injection port. |
MoveNeedleToWastePos |
Moves the needle to the specified position (RA1…CurrentVial+9). |
Position |
Sets the sample position on the carousel. For more information, refer to |
PrepareNextSample |
Starts the injection procedure for the next sample (if another sample is available). However, the injection valve will be switched at the next Inject command. |
PrepareThisSample |
Starts the injection procedure for the current sample. However, the injection valve will be switched at the next Inject command. |
PrepVial |
Sets the position for the sample container used for sample preparation. This position is used for UdpDraw and UdpDispense operations if PrepVial has been selected in the From and/or To fields of the UdpDraw and/or UdpDispense commands. |
PumpDevice |
The pump that delivers flow to the autosampler. This property is available only if you have specified on the Segments/Pump Link tab page that the injection command should be synchronized with the pump strokes of an ICS-3000 or ICS-5000 DP/SP (for details, see Segments/Pump Link). Usually, the setting from the Segments/Pump Link tab page is displayed by default. If you want to change the synchronization assignment for a specific application, enter the pump name in the input field. This will not change the standard setting on the Segments/Pump Link tab page. |
PunctureOffset |
Moves the carousel by the specified value while the needle is in the septum; this enlarges the hole in the septum and equalizes the pressure in the vial. Select this parameter when using large injection volumes and unslotted septa. |
ReagentA/B/C/DVial |
Indicates the vial (A, B, C, or D) used in Draw/Dispense commands if From/To is set to ReagentA/B/C/DVial. (Also, see UdpDraw/UdpDispense.) |
RedTray |
Specifies which sample containers are installed in the red section of the carousel. (Also, see the Note in the BlueTray description.) |
Relay4Enabled |
Specifies whether relay 4 is controlled as a "normal" relay by Chromeleon, or used for the inject response signal. Xsec_InjectOut: Depending on the specified duration, relay 4 will be active for this time upon each inject. This function can be used, for example, to automatically send a start signal to a mass spectrometer upon injection. Select Yes for user-defined control via a Chromeleon program (for example, if you want to control the relay via the Relay_4.On and Relay_4.Off commands, instead). |
Reset |
Sets the autosampler to the initial conditions in effect when the instrument was turned on. |
RotationAngle |
The angle (in degrees) of each carousel rotation movement step. |
RotationPause |
The duration of the pause between carousel movements. |
RotationSpeed |
The carousel rotation speed in encoder counts. |
SampleHeightOffset_XX |
Defines the bottom height of the sample container (the distance between the outer and inner bottom of the sample container). (Also, see SampleHeight.) |
SerialNo |
Displays the autosampler serial number. |
SetFactoryDefaults |
Resets the autosampler settings to the factory default settings. |
SlowCarouselRotation |
Rotates the carousel while it is cooling; this reduces liquid condensation on the vial. |
Standby |
Places the autosampler into Standby mode or cancels this mode (NoStandby). Available values: Standby, NoStandby, WakingUp, EnteringStandby. (WakingUp and EnteringStandby are temporary states that the autosampler assumes automatically; therefore, it is not necessary to select these options from the commands list.)
You cannot start a batch when the autosampler is in Standby mode. |
State |
Indicates that the autosampler has injected (read-only). |
Status |
Displays the current action being performed by the autosampler (read-only). |
Syringe |
Reports the volume of the installed syringe (read-only). |
TerminateChangeSyringe |
Terminates the procedure for exchanging the syringe. (Also, see InitiateChangeSyringe.) |
TransferLIneVolume |
(For Push mode only) The volume from the injection port to the injection valve in the first system. |
TransferLIne2Volume |
(For Push mode only) The volume from the injection port to the injection valve in the second system. |
TransLiquidHeight |
Defines how far the needle descends into the sample container for sampling. For details, refer to |
TrayRotationNumber |
Specifies the number of times the sample tray rotates during cooling after injection.
The AS-AP will not respond to the TrayRotationNumber property unless these conditions are met: the sample temperature control option is installed in the AS-AP (and is turned on) and the CondensationFan property is set to Normal or Max. |
TrayType |
Reports the type of sample tray (rack) installed (read-only). |
Volume |
Sets the injection volume for standard injections. |
Performs a wash operation. The liquid volume used during the wash procedure can be set in the WashVolume command. |
WashInjectPort |
Washes the injection port without washing the needle. |
WashSampleLoop |
Washes the sample loop.
You can specify the volume of fluid used to wash the sample loop either in the Command dialog box or on the AS-AP Control panel (click Wash Sample Loop and enter the Volume under Wash Needle and Fluidics). If no volume is specified, the autosampler firmware automatically uses the wash volume last specified. |
Other Commands and Properties
Command/Property |
Description |
BootLoaderVersion |
Indicates the bootloader version (read-only). |
CondensationFan |
Selects the setting (Off, Normal, and Max) of the fan that is used to reduce the condensation of liquid on the vials during cooling. The fan is controlled by the AS-AP firmware. It is generally not necessary to override the setting selected by the firmware. |
FirmwareVersion |
Indicates the firmware version (read-only). |
Home |
Moves the needle arm to the home position. |
InstalledOn |
Indicates the timebase(s) in which the autosampler is installed. |
ModelNo |
Indicates the model number of the autosampler (read-only). |
MotorControllerVersion |
Indicates the version of the motor controller firmware (read-only). |
Operable |
Reports whether the autosampler is ready to operate (read-only). |
SelfTestResult |
Reports the result of the autosampler self-test (read-only).You may be asked to provide this information to Technical Support for Dionex products. |
Stop |
Stops the current process. |
Sampler Setup Commands and Properties
The following commands set options that remain constant throughout the sample preparation steps and the time-dependent commands of a program.
If you use the Program Wizard to create a program (see The Program Wizard), these commands are entered on the first Sampler Options page in the wizard.
Command/Property |
Description |
CapillaryOverfill |
(For Capillary Full-Loop injections only) Sets the loop overfill factor. |
CycleTime |
Sets the time between injections. To set a uniform time between injections, specify a cycle time in minutes (1 to 240). When a cycle time is specified, the autosampler delays sample injection until the specified time has elapsed since the previous injection. If the cycle time is set to 0, the time between injections is determined by the commands in the Program specified for each sample injection in a Sequence. |
FlushVolume |
(For Pull or Push mode only) Sets the flush volume to be used for the first FullLoop or PartialLoop injection.
The recommended flush volume is 2 x (needle volume + bridge volume). (Also, see BridgeVolume.) |
FlushVolume2 |
(For Pull or Push mode only) Sets the flush volume to be used for additional injections from the same vial for Full-Loop or Partial-Loop injections when RinseBetweenInjections is set to No. |
InjectMode |
Injection mode (UserProg, PullFull, PullPartial, PushFull, PushPartial, PushPartial_ls, PushSimultaneous, PushConcentrate, PushSeqFull, PushSeqPartial_ls, PushSeqConcentrate, PushCap, PushSeqCap). For more information, refer to the operator's manual for the autosampler. |
LoopOverfill |
(For full-loop injections only) The product of the volume of the sample loop and the LoopOverfill factor determines the volume that is drawn in and/or transported through the sample loop before the sample is injected (in addition to the flush volume). Example: Loop volume: 5 µl, LoopOverfill: 2 = |
PartialCutVolume |
(For Partial Push mode only) The volume of sample to be "cut" (or omitted) from each side of the sample during the injection process. |
RinseBetweenReinjections |
Specifies whether a wash cycle is performed after each injection from the same sample vial or well plate. If set to Yes, a wash cycle is performed after each injection. If set to No, the wash cycle is skipped when the next injection is performed.
This command lets you inject from the same sample container several times without losing sample between the injections by rinsing. A wash cycle is always performed after the last sample in a sequence. |
SmallAirBubbleVolume |
The size of the air bubble used to isolate the sample in the tubing when the syringe volume is 1 ml or less.
When the injection mode is PushCap or PushSeqCap, a command specifying a SmallAirBubbleVolume of 20 µl is automatically added to the program. The injection mode is selected on the |
Temperature |
(Only for autosamplers equipped with the sample temperature control option) Sets the temperature of the sample tray. |
If you use the Program Wizard to create a program (see The Program Wizard), these commands are entered on the second Sampler Options page in the wizard.
Command/Property |
Description |
Factor for the buffer loop wash volume. The product of the buffer tubing volume and the BufferWashFactor determines the buffer wash volume. |
DispenseDelay |
Specifies for how long the needle remains in the sample container after dispensing. |
DispSpeed |
Specifies how quickly sample is expelled for standard injections |
DrawDelay |
Specifies for how long the needle remains in the sample container after sample was drawn. |
DrawSpeed |
Specifies how quickly sample is drawn for standard injections. |
InjectWash |
Specifies whether the wash procedure is part of the standard inject procedure (not applicable when the InjectMode setting is UserProg). Select an option:
For user-defined injection procedures, you must set wash steps explicitly. |
SampleHeight |
Defines how far the needle descends into the sample container for sampling (standard injections). For details, refer to |
SyncWithPump |
This property is available (and On) if you have specified on the Segments/Pump Link tab page that the injection command should be synchronized with the pump strokes of an ICS-3000 or ICS-5000 DP/SP (for details, see Segments/Pump Link). If you want to disable synchronization for a specific application, set the property to Off. (Also, see PumpDevice.)
SyncWithPump is automatically set to On when you change the PumpDevice setting. |
WashSpeed |
Sets the syringe speed for the wash operation. |
WashDispSpeed |
Sets the syringe dispense speed for the wash operation when flush fluid is dispensed to the injection port. |
WashVolume |
Sets the volume that is drawn for a wash operation (see the Wash command), including the wash procedure specified in the InjectWash command. |
WasteSpeed |
Sets the syringe speed for expelling liquid to waste. |
Sample Preparation Commands
The AS-AP provides several commands for preparing the sample before injection. The standard AS-AP supports the sample preparation commands listed below. If the autosampler is equipped with the sample preparation option, two additional commands are available (Dilute and Dispense). For details about the sample preparation commands, see Defining Sample Preparation Steps (AS-AP).
If you use the Program Wizard to create a program (see The Program Wizard), these commands are entered on the third Sampler Options page in the wizard.
Command |
Description |
AutoTrayShakeTimes |
Specifies how many times the tray is shaken before the sample is drawn. Tray shakes allow homogenization of the sample, especially after longer idle times. |
Dilute |
Dilutes sample and reagent by combining them in a destination vial and mixing them. |
DiluteWithWash |
Dilutes sample and wash liquid by combining them in a destination vial and mixing them. |
Mix |
Mixes the vial contents by automatically shaking the tray.
Select the Mix command when using the Pipet command and 10 ml vials. (Also, see DilutionMixMode, DilutionMixSpeed, and DilutionMixIteration.) |
Mix_DrawDispense |
Mixes the vial contents by repeatedly drawing and dispensing a volume of the vial contents.
Select the Mix_DrawDispense command when using the Pipet command and 0.3 ml or 1.5 ml vials. |
Pipet |
Moves sample between vials. |
ReagentFlush |
Flushes reagent onto the concentrator column installed on the injection valve before loading sample. |
SamplePrep |
Executes the sample preparation procedure specified by the SpProc property. |
SpDestVial |
The destination vial for any sample preparation operation. |
SpDiluent |
The source reagent vial for a sample preparation operation. |
SpProc |
The sample preparation procedure to be executed with the sample preparation command. |
SpReagentVolume |
The volume to draw from the sample preparation reagent vial. |
SpSourceVial |
The source vial for a sample preparation operation. |
SpSourceVol |
The volume to draw from the sample preparation source vial. |
Exclusive Access Commands and Properties
The exclusive access feature allows one AS-AP to be shared by two timebases. These commands are used when the autosampler is in Sequential or Sequential Concentrate mode.
Sample overlap is not allowed when the autosampler is shared by two timebases.
Command |
Description |
AcquireExclusiveAccess |
A timebase requests exclusive access to the autosampler as soon as the other timebase relinquishes exclusive access. |
ExclusiveAccess |
Displays the timebase that currently has exclusive access to the autosampler. If no timebase has exclusive access, "Available" is displayed (read-only). |
ReleaseExclusiveAccess |
A timebase relinquishes exclusive access to the autosampler. ReleaseExclusiveAccess must be placed after all other autosampler commands or properties |
Calibration Commands and Properties
Command/Property |
Description |
CalibrateTransLineVol |
Calibrates the transfer line volume. The transfer line is the tubing between the injection valve and injection port. |
Diagnostic Commands and Properties
Command/Property |
Description |
EnableTrayTest |
Enables or disables automatic tray detection. By default, the tray detection is enabled. |
SelfTest |
Performs a self-test of the autosampler.
If the autosampler fails the self-test, you cannot start a batch. |
Equilibration Commands and Properties (available only for autosamplers with sample temperature control)
Use the equilibration commands and properties only for the SmartStartup feature.
Command/Property |
Description |
ReadyTempDelta |
Enter the allowable deviation of the current temperature from the target temperature. When the ReadyTempDelta is exceeded, the autosampler is not ready to operate (TemperatureReady = NotReady). |
TempCtrl |
Turns sample temperature control on or off. |
Temperature |
Sets the target temperature for the carousel and thus, for the sample. Click the "+" character beside the name to display the items underneath: Value (reports the actual temperature), Nominal (sets the target temperature), UpperLimit (sets the upper temperature limit), and LowerLimit (sets the lower temperature limit). If the nominal temperature is outside the specified limits, the system aborts the sample batch and/or starts error handling. |
TempReady |
Reports whether the temperature is within the specified limits (Ready or NotReady) (read-only). |
Fraction Collection Commands and Properties
Command |
Description |
ChangeTubeCapped |
(For capped tubes only) Moves the needle to the current TubePosition. FractionHeight defines the needle height during fractionation. This is the distance between the fractionation needle and the bottom of the tube. |
ChangeTubeUncapped |
(For uncapped tubes only) Moves the needle to the current TubePosition. FractionHeight defines the needle height during fractionation. This is the distance between the fractionation needle and the bottom of the tube. |
EndFraction |
Ends fraction collection and moves the needle to the drain port. |
StartFractionCapped |
(For capped tubes only) Starts fraction collection at the current TubePosition. FractionHeight defines the needle height during fractionation. This is the distance between the fractionation needle and the bottom of the tube. |
StartFractionUncapped |
(For uncapped tubes only) Starts fraction collection at the current TubePosition. FractionHeight defines the needle height during fractionation. This is the distance between the fractionation needle and the bottom of the tube. |
TubePosition |
Specifies the position of the current sample tube used for fraction collection. |
AS-AP Sample Conductivity and pH Accessory Commands and Properties
The following commands are available for the optional AS-AP Sample Conductivity and pH Accessory.
In order to operate the Sample Conductivity and pH Accessory, you must add the accessory to the timebase that includes the AS-AP in which it is installed and then link the accessory to the autosampler in the AS-AP Properties dialog box in the Server Configuration program.
Command/Property |
Description |
CalibrateConductivityOffset |
Determines the conductivity calibration offset. |
CalibrateConductivitySlope |
Determines the conductivity calibration slope. |
CalibratepHOffset |
Calibrates the offset at pH 7. This command starts the pH calibration procedure. |
CalibratepHSlope1 |
Calibrates slope 1 (at pH 4). |
CalibratepHSlope2 |
Calibrates slope 2 (at pH 10). |
CheckCalibrationMode |
Reports whether the calibration procedure is in progress (Calibration mode) or has finished (Operation mode). |
Conductivity |
Specifies the conductivity of the standard used to measure the conductivity slope. |
ConductivityCalTemp |
Current* |
Reports the temperature reading during the current conductivity calibration (read-only). |
Factory* |
Reports the temperature reading during the conductivity calibration performed at the factory (read-only). |
Previous* |
Reports the temperature reading during the previous conductivity calibration (read-only). |
ConductivityCellStatus |
Reports the result of the conductivity cell test (read-only). |
ConductivityCellType |
Specifies the setting of the cell in the Sample Conductivity and pH Accessory (NoCell, DummyCell, or RealCell). |
ConductivityCounts |
Reports the number of counts obtained during the conductivity calibration procedure (read-only). |
ConductivityOffset |
Current* |
Reports the conductivity offset obtained during the most recent conductivity calibration (read-only). |
Factory* |
Reports the conductivity offset obtained during the factory conductivity calibration (read-only). |
Previous* |
Reports the conductivity offset obtained during the last conductivity calibration (read-only). |
Conductivity_Offset_Calibration |
Reports whether the conductivity offset calibration was completed (read-only). |
ConductivityOffsetDate |
Current* |
Reports when the current conductivity offset was determined (read-only). |
Factory* |
Reports when the factory conductivity offset was determined (read-only). |
Previous* |
Reports when the previous conductivity offset was determined (read-only). |
ConductivitySlope |
Current* |
Determines the result of the current conductivity slope (read-only). |
Factory* |
Reports the conductivity slope obtained at the factory (read-only). |
Previous* |
Reports the previous conductivity slope (read-only). |
Conductivity_Slope_Calibration |
Reports whether the conductivity slope calibration was completed (read-only). |
ConductivitySlopeDate |
Current* |
Reports when the current conductivity slope was determined (read-only). |
Factory* |
Reports when the factory conductivity slope was determined (read-only). |
Previous* |
Reports when the previous conductivity slope was determined (read-only). |
ConductivityTempComp |
Current* |
Reports the temperature compensation factor for the most recent conductivity calibration (read-only). |
Reports the temperature compensation factor for the factory conductivity calibration (read-only). |
Previous* |
Reports the temperature compensation factor for the previous conductivity calibration (read-only). |
EndpHCalibration |
Terminates the pH calibration procedure and returns the Sample Conductivity and pH Accessory to Operation mode. |
pHCalTemp |
Reports the temperature reading when the pH was measured (read-only). |
pHCounts |
Reports the number of counts obtained during the pH calibration (read-only). |
pH_Electrode |
Reports whether the pH electrode is connected (read-only). |
pHOffset |
Specifies the offset at pH 7. |
Reports whether the pH offset calibration was completed (read-only). |
pHOffsetDate |
Reports when the pH offset was determined (read-only). |
pHSlope1 |
Specifies the value of slope 1 (at pH 4). |
pH_Slope1_Calibration |
Reports whether the pH slope 1 calibration was completed (read-only). |
pH_Slope1_Calibration_Valid |
Reports whether the slope 1 calibration was valid (read-only). |
pHSlope1Date |
Reports when the value of slope 1 was determined (read-only). |
pHSlope2 |
Specifies the value of slope 2 (at pH 10). |
pH_Slope2_Calibration |
Reports whether the pH slope 2 calibration was completed (read-only) |
pH_Slope2_Calibration_Valid |
Reports whether the slope 2 calibration was valid (read-only). |
Reports when the value of slope 2 was determined (read-only). |
PipetToInjectPort |
Moves sample from a vial to the injection port to measure pH and/or conductivity. |
Temperature_Sensor |
Reports the result of the temperature sensor test (read-only). |
System Wellness and Predictive Performance Commands and Properties
Command/Property |
Description |
DrainPumpHours |
Counts the operating time [h] of the peristaltic pump (read-only). |
DrainPumpTubeChanged |
After replacing the peristaltic pump tube, perform this command to update the related service information. The DrainPumpTubeChangeDate counter is automatically set to the current date; the DrainPumpTubeHours are reset to zero. |
DrainPumpTubeChange |
Reports the last time the peristaltic pump tube was changed (read-only). |
DrainPumpTubeHours |
Counts the operating hours of the peristaltic pump with the currently installed tube. |
*.Value |
Reports the current operating hours of the peristaltic pump with the currently installed tube (read-only). |
*.Warning |
A warning appears when the specified value is reached. |
*.Limit |
An error message appears when the specified value is reached. |
HorizontalDriveMovements |
Counts how many times the horizontal drive moves into a new position (read-only). |
InjectValveSwitches |
Counts how many times the injection valve switches position (read-only). |
NeedleChanged |
After replacing the needle, perform this command to update the related service information. The NeedleChangeDate is automatically set to the current date; the NeedleMovements and NeedleObstructions counters are reset to zero. |
NeedleChangeDate |
Reports the last time the needle was replaced (read-only). |
NeedleDriveMovements |
Counts how many times the needle drive moves into a new position (read-only). |
NeedleMovements |
Counts how many times the needle moves downward into the needle seat (sometimes called the injection port). |
*.Value |
Reports the current number of movements (read-only). |
*.Warning |
A warning appears when the specified value is reached. |
*.Limit |
An error message appears when the specified value is reached. |
NeedleObstructions |
Counts how many times the needle descends on an obstacle. |
NeedleSeatChanged |
After replacing the needle seat (sometimes called the injection port), perform this command to update the related service information. The NeedleSeatChangeDate is automatically set to the current date; the NeedleSeatCounter is reset to zero. |
NeedleSeatChangeDate |
Reports the last time the needle seat (sometimes called the injection port) was replaced (read-only). |
NeedleSeatCounter |
Counts how many times the needle moves into the needle seat (sometimes called the injection port). |
*.Value |
Reports the current number of needle movements into the needle seat (read-only). |
*.Warning |
A warning appears when the specified value is reached. |
*.Limit |
An error message appears when the specified value is reached. |
OperatingHours |
Counts the operating hours since initial operation (excluding the operating hours in standby mode) (read-only). |
PowerOnTime |
Counts the time since last power-up (or last wake-up from standby) (read-only). |
Qualification |
Provides information about system qualification. |
*.LastDate |
Reports the last time autosampler qualification was performed (read-only). |
*.LastOperator |
Reports the name of the person who performed the autosampler qualification (read-only). |
*.Interval |
Reports the interval (in days) when the next system qualification is due. |
*.WarningPeriod |
Specifies the period during which a warning appears before the next service is due. |
*.GracePeriod |
Indicates the period during which the device may be operated after the due date for re-qualification. |
QualificationDone |
After qualification, perform this command to update the related system data. The Qualification - LastDate is automatically set to the current date; the Qualification - LastOperator is set to the current user. |
RotorSealChanged |
After replacing the rotor seal, perform this command to update the related service information. The RotorSealChangeDate counter is automatically set to the current date; the RotorSealSwitches are reset to "0." |
RotorSealChangeDate |
Reports the last time the rotor seal was replaced (read-only). |
RotorSealSwitches |
Counts how many times the injection valve has switched since the rotor seal was replaced last. |
*.Value |
Reports the current number of injection valve switches position (read-only). |
*.Warning |
A warning appears when the specified value is reached. |
*.Limit |
An error message appears when the specified value is reached. |
Service |
Provides service information. |
*.LastDate |
Reports when service for the autosampler was last performed (read-only). |
*.Interval |
Specify the interval (in days) after which a service is due. |
*.WarningPeriod |
Specifies the period during which a warning appears before the next service is due. |
ServiceDone |
After completing service for the autosampler, perform this command to update the related information. The Service - LastDate property is automatically set to the current date. |
StandbyHours |
Counts the total operating hours in standby mode since the autosampler was operated for the first time (read-only). |
SyringeChanged |
After replacing the syringe, perform this command to update the related service information. The SyringeChangeDate counter is automatically set to the current date; the SyringeMovements counter is reset to zero. |
SyringeChangeDate |
Reports when the syringe was last replaced (read-only). |
SyringeDriveMovements |
Counts how many times the syringe drive moves into a new position (read-only). |
SyringeMovements |
Counts how many times the syringe moves into a new position. |
*.Value |
Reports the current value of syringe movements (read-only). |
*.Warning |
A warning appears when the specified value is reached. |
*.Limit |
An error message appears when the specified value is reached. |
SyringeValveSwitches |
Counts how many times the syringe valve switches position (read-only). |
TotalInjections |
Counts how many injections are performed (read-only). |
TrayDriveMovements |
Counts how many times the tray moves to a new position (read-only). |
Predictive Performance Warnings and Limits
For each predictive performance value listed above, warning and limit values are set (for example, DrainPumpTubeHours.Warning and DrainPumpTubeHours.Limit). When a warning value is reached, a warning message appears in the Audit Trail. When a limit value is reached, an error message appears in the Audit Trail.
For information about how to use the commands in practical operation, refer to Autosampler Commands (AS-AP).
For a basic description of Dionex autosamplers, including the standard Chromeleon commands, refer to Dionex Autosamplers.