A sequence combines Samples that belong together due to their origin or processing. The names of all samples that belong to one sequence are entered in the sample list.
When the chromatography analysis has been started, the samples that shall be analyzed are processed from the top to the bottom of the sample list. Thus, the sample list also determines the order (= sequence) in which the analysis is performed.
The sample list can contain different columns:
Standard columns with different Sample Variables, e.g. Name, Inj. Date/Time or Type, etc.)
Sequence Report Columns to display sample results
User-defined Columns that allow you to enter special values that are then available as additional variables in the report.
To create a sequence, use the Sequence Wizard (see Samples and Sequences The Sequence Wizard). For more information, refer to Creating and Managing Files and Data
Creating a Sample List (Sequence).
Also, refer to Samples and Sequences The Sample List (Sequence)