Standard Datasource

The standard Datasource is activated when the chromatography Server is booted. The datasource is used for:

  1. Saving the Daily Audit Trail

  2. Saving manual Sequences

  3. Saving OQ and PQ templates (This is the default setting, but you may as well define a different datasource for saving the templates.)

  4. Saving Diagnostics sequences

  5. Reading User-defined Columns during the program run.

During initial installation of Chromeleon, a local standard datasource is created on each client PC. In network operation, the datasource name is composed of the computer name and the suffix local (<PC Name_local>). For a local station, i.e., for a station that is not part of a  Network, the computer name entered in the operating system under Start > Settings > Control Panel > System Network Identification is used. If no identification is entered, the datasource is named Default_local.

In the Server Configuration program, you may select a different datasource as standard datasource (see Configuring the Chromeleon Server  Adding, Configuring, or Deleting Devices in the Administrator Help section).

To save chromatography data on the network, you can select a network datasource as the standard datasource. The Administrator Help section provides more information; refer to Working with Files, Databases, and Networks:

 Saving Chromatography Data on the Network

 Defining a Network Datasource as Standard Datasource


To save the Daily Audit Trails on a central PC, define different paths for different servers:

Network Datasource:Daily Audit Trail \Server1

Network Datasource:Daily Audit Trail \Server2