The Network
Network Installation

The Client, the Chromatography Server, and the Datasource can be installed on different computers. They are connected via the network and the corresponding network server. Each chromatography server can operate up to six chromatography systems (Timebases).

The client, server, and datasource are independent units on the network.



On each PC, a server, client, and local datasource are set up during the installation of Chromeleon. Independently of this, each PC can act as "server only" or "client only." Theoretically, each client can access each datasource and each server. In practice, this may not be desirable for safety reasons. Therefore, various options are available to restrict user access:

Important data are often stored on central data server PCs. If, during data acquisition, the network connection is interrupted or the data server PC crashes, data acquisition should continue, nevertheless. All data that are relevant for the Chromeleon server are locally stored on the server's hard disk, thus ensuring that data acquisition will not be interrupted in case of a network failure (see Network Failure Protection).

In addition to allowing data exchange within a local area on a Windows, Novell, DEC, or UNIX network (LAN), it is possible to transfer data across huge distances (WAN) via ISDN. The basic requirement for any type of network operation is the availability of the corresponding network drivers for Windows.


The Administrator Help section provides more information; refer to How to …: Working with Files, Databases, and Networks:

 Sharing the Local Datasource on the Network

 Creating a Network Datasource

 Saving Chromatography Data on the Network