
A database that is mounted to the Chromeleon Client is referred to as a datasource. To mount a datasource, select Mount Datasource on the File menu in the Browser and then specify the format and the location of the database. For more information, refer to Working with Files, Databases, and Networks  Setting up a Datasource in the Administrator Help section.

During the initial installation of Chromeleon, a local Standard Datasource is created on each client PC. Chromeleon data is usually stored in an Access database, that is, in an mdb (Microsoft Data Base) container. The default datasource is based on an Access database, too. The ODBC Capability of Chromeleon allows you to use various other formats (dBASE, SQL, Oracle, etc.), as well. Both Sample Data and Sequence Data are saved in a datasource, independently of the chosen format.

You can save a datasource on a local hard disk or any other mass storage device.

Select New Directory on the File menu in the Browser to create individual subdirectories under a datasource. You can then use these directories to save Sequences and the corresponding data and programs.

Network Datasource

If the datasource is located on a centralized network PC, all clients with the appropriate access rights, can access the database. (The system administrator assigns the access rights.) If the datasource is stored on a local hard disk, the corresponding client grants database access via the Windows File Sharing option.

The Administrator Help section provides more information; refer to Working with Files, Databases, and Networks:

 Setting up a Network Datasource

 Saving Chromatography Data on the Network

Chromeleon allows you to lock datasources, directories, or sequences, too. For more information, refer to Data Management  The Datasource.

Non-Availability of the Network Datasource

In many companies and organizations, the database server shuts down during the daily backup. Similar to a network breakdown (see Network Failure Protection), the network datasource will not be available then. However, in case of the daily backup the time is known during which the datasource will not be available. To ensure data integrity, disconnect Chromeleon before the shutdown. When the database is available again, Chromeleon automatically connects to the database and writes back any data that were acquired during the breakdown.

Also, refer to Working with Files, Databases, and Networks  Network Failure/Non-Availability in the Administrator Help section.


"Old" GynkoSoft data has the required database structure. That is why Chromeleon is capable of handling this data as if they were "real" Chromeleon data. Simply connect to the data stored under Drive....