Dionex Detectors
Dionex UltiMate 3000 Series Fluorescence Detectors

In addition to the  General Device Commands, the important commands and properties available for the FLD-3x00(RS) detectors are listed below. Please note that the display Filter level and detector type determine which commands and properties are displayed. In addition to these parameters, there are a number of read-only properties that give information about the detector.

Emission channel commands





Start/stop data acquisition.


Indicates the signal slope, that is, the difference between the current value and the value one second ago; this is useful for Triggers.


Sets the emission wavelength in nm. The emission wavelength must be at least 20 nm above the excitation wavelength.

ZeroOrder:The grating of the emission monochromator is set to the position of zero order. In this position, the monochromator lets the entire spectrum pass, rather than only a certain wavelength.


Sets the excitation wavelength in nm. Select the excitation wavelength at the absorption maximum of the sample component to be analyzed.

(FLD-3400RS only)

Sets the position of the filter wheel for the cut-off filter. Wavelengths under 280 nm, 370 nm, 435 nm, or 530 nm are cut off to suppress stray light. However, in a range of +/- 30  nm around the filter wavelength, some of the light may still pass the filter. The emission wavelength must not be more than 15 nm below the filter wavelength.

Auto: The detector automatically selects the best filter wheel position. Provides the best results for most applications.

Open: The filter wheel remains in an open position. Use this setting if you want to measure with an emission wavelength between 220 nm and 280 nm.


Determines which photomultiplier tube (PMT) is used for the measurement, if a second, red-sensitive PMT is installed (Dual-PMT).
: Chromeleon will select a PMT.

PMT1: Uses the first PMT (optimized for the UV/Vis region).

PMT2: Uses the second PMT (optimized for the infrared region).

Note: After installation of the Dual-PMT option, you may want to modify any existing PGM files to add this property. Otherwise, the PMT setting stored in the detector from the previous analysis applies.


Reports the signal's retention time (read-only).


Selects the detector sensitivity (including the gain for the PMT). Use the maximum expected analyte concentration when determining a sensitivity. Determine the best value by using the MaxPMTSaturation property.

If the sensitivity is too small, the peak height is reduced and the signal-to-noise ratio is poor.

If the sensitivity is too large, the signal is saturated. The detector automatically reduces the sensitivity. Lines that mark the automatic switching appear in the chromatogram at the beginning and end of the saturated range (see figure). Afterward, the original setting is restored.

You can completely turn off fluorescence detection by setting the sensitivity to Off. This may be required, for example, if you want to record the incoming signal from a UV detector for a sample of high concentration, or to suppress an extremely high peak that is not of interest for you but triggers an automatic adjustment of the sensitivity.


Reports the current signal value [Counts] (read-only).

FLD_FlowCell channel commands





Start/stop data acquisition.


Indicates the signal slope, that is, the difference between the current value and the value one second ago; this is useful for Triggers.


Reports whether the temperature of the flow cell is within the specified limits (Ready or NotReady).


Sets the maximum allowed deviation from the nominal flow cell temperature. If the value is smaller or greater than the allowed deviation, the detector is not ready for operation (see also Ready). If ReadyTempDelta is set to None, Chromeleon does not check whether the nominal temperature deviates from the actual temperature.


Reports the signal's retention time (read-only).


Reports the current signal value [Counts] (read-only).


Turns temperature control for the flow cell on or off.


Temperature of the flow cell. As the fluorescence of a sample decreases as temperature increases, the temperature must not be selected too high, but must be above the temperature inside the detector optics.

Value: Current signal value (read-only)

Nominal: Nominal temperature. Select a temperature that is roughly 15° C above the expected ambient temperature. Note that it is not possible to cool down the temperature below ambient.

None: Turns temperature control for the flow cell off.


Reports the current workload of the flow cell.


General detector commands




Reports a pending leak alarm. Default value: Off.


Resets a pending alarm and turns off the beep.


Performs automatic null balancing (= the current detector signal is interpreted as 0).


Determines how the baseline behaves if wavelengths are switched or the sensitivity or filter wheel setting are changed during a program:

Append: Resets the baseline to the previous signal.

Free: No adjustment, shifts may occur in the baseline position.

Zero: Sets the baseline to zero.


Adapts the screen brightness of the detector.


The detector performs a basic calibration by measuring the position of the zero-order lines of both monochromators. Execute if the message "Not calibrated" appears after the detector is turned on.


Performs a wavelength calibration using the Raman bands of water. When you execute the command, a message appears. Ensure that the conditions indicated in the message are met.


Resets the values that were stored during an Autozero command.


Removes a message from the detector display.


Resets the value for MaxPMTSaturation to 0%. Execute this command before  MaxPMTSaturation is used to determine the maximum PMT saturation.


Adapts the screen contrast of the detector display.


The rate [Hz] at which Chromeleon collects digital data from the detector.

Nominal: Sets a Data Collection Rate (only single-channel mode).

Note: The Program Wizard in Chromeleon automatically calculates the appropriate data collection rate, based on the value you enter for the peak width at half-height.

Value: Current value (read-only). The effective data collection rate may differ from the nominal value. For example, if you select a data collection rate higher than 20 Hz and LongLife lamp mode, the data collection rate will be automatically reduced. This property also indicates the value used in multi-channel mode.


File name of the demo file.


Sets the mode of operation for the xenon lamp. A high frequency of flashes results in a lower baseline noise and thus improves sensitivity. At the same time, however, a high flash frequency decreases lamp life:

HighPower – Lamp flashes at the highest frequency.

Standard – Lamp flashes at high frequency resulting in a high sensitivity (not available in multi-channel mode).

LongLife – Lamp flashes at low frequency resulting in a low sensitivity (not available in multi-channel mode). This mode only supports data collection rates up to 20 Hz.


Reports whether the leak sensor detected a leak (NoLeak or Leak_Detected). If the sensor detects a leak, the running batch is aborted.


Activates or deactivates leak detection.
(default and recommended): Activates leak detection. A beep alerts you when the leak sensor reports a leak.
: Deactivates leak detection. No message appears and no beep sounds.


Indicates the highest saturation of the PMT signal that was measured since the last reset of MaxPMTSaturation (in percent of the maximum allowable value). Use this parameter to determine and monitor the optimum Sensitivity setting.

- Use the ClearMaxPMTSaturation command to reset the value to 0% before the run.

- Read out the MaxPMTSaturation value after the run.


Do the following

< 40%

Increase the Sensitivity. The following is a rough guideline:

< 40%: by one step

< 20%: by two steps

< 10%: by three steps


The sensitivity value is optimal.


Reduce the Sensitivity by one step.

≥ 100%

Reduce the Sensitivity by at least one step (recommended: two or three steps). Then repeat the run.

MultiChannelPerformance (FLD-3400RS only)

Defines whether the measurement in multi-channel mode is optimized regarding signal noise or regarding speed. The UltraFast, and Fast settings result in a higher Data Collection Rate, but also in higher noise, while the LowNoise and UltraLowNoise settings reduce the noise.


Indicates the automatically selected response time in multi-channel mode.


Sets the wavelength when the detector switches from PMT1 to PMT2 for a measurement (default: 500 nm). The setting is only available if a second PMT is installed.


Provides additional information on the previous wavelength verification.


Indicates the result of wavelength validation (passed, failed) or if a Raman wavelength validation should be performed (not validated). See ValidateRaman.


Reports the measured wavelength for the Raman peak. The ideal value is 397 nm.


The Response Time for the signal. The response time is the time required for the detector signal to rise from 10% to 90% in response to a signal increase.

Select a response time at approximately 1/3 of the peak width at half height of the narrowest peak of interest. The Program Wizard in Chromeleon automatically calculates the appropriate response time, based on the value you enter for peak width at half-height.


Restores the Dionex standard settings.


Sets the detector to standby mode or cancels standby mode. During standby mode, the detector remains connected in Chromeleon.


Performs a wavelength validation using the Raman bands of water. When you execute the command, a message appears. Ensure that the conditions indicated in the message are met.


Spectra scan commands and properties

The fluorescence detector supports scan modes for recording emission and excitation spectra. For information about how to perform a wavelength scan, refer to  Recording Emission and Excitation Spectra (FLD-3x00(RS). For a program example, refer to  Recording Emission and Excitation Spectra (FLD-3x00(RS): Program Examples.




Performs a baseline scan with changing emission wavelength.


Performs a baseline scan with changing excitation wavelength.


Performs a baseline synchro scan with changing excitation and emission wavelength (see ScanSynchronous).


Deletes the current baseline spectrum.


Performs an emission spectrum scan. The result spectrum is stored in a spectra library.


Determines the upper limit of the wavelength range to be scanned during an emission scan.



Determines the upper limit of the wavelength range to be scanned during an excitation scan or synchro scan.


Performs an excitation spectrum scan. The result spectrum is stored in a spectra library.

(FLD-3400RS only)

Defines the filter wheel setting during scan mode (see FilterWheel).


Sets the PMT to be used during scan mode (see PMT).


Sets the detector sensitivity to be used during scan mode (see Sensitivity).


Determines if the recorded signal will be corrected regarding the xenon lamp spectrum (ExCorrected) or not (Standard). Standard will provide the best signal-to-noise ratio in method development. ExCorrected will provide best comparability with spectra in the literature.


Sets the speed with which the determined wavelength range is scanned. The following settings are available:


Required time from 200 to 900 nm


approx. 130 s

Medium (default)

approx. 17 s


approx. 8 s


approx. 5 s


Determines the lower limit of the wavelength range to be scanned during an emission scan. Also use this parameter to set the emission wavelength for an excitation scan.


Determines the lower limit of the wavelength range to be scanned during an excitation scan or synchro scan.  Also use this parameter to set the excitation wavelength for an emission scan.


Scans a user-defined excitation wavelength range, while the emission wavelength is scanned synchronously with a fixed distance. The distance can be defined under ScanSyncOffset.


Defines the distance for the Synchro Scan (see ScanSynchronous).

System Wellness and Predictive Performance commands and properties





Provides information about the lamp operating hours to help you in estimating the remaining lamp lifetime.

Indicates how many hours the lamp was operated (read-only). The value is based on the number of lamp flashes. If the value exceeds 4000 hours, the lamp should be replaced. One operating hour is weighted depending on the selected lamp mode:

Example: If the lamp age in Chromeleon indicates 2000 hours, the lamp has reached about the half of its lifetime. Thus, if the lamp is operated in LongLife mode, it is expected to operate for another 8000 hours.


1 hour is counted as ...

Expected lamp life


0.25 hrs

approx. 16000 hrs


1 hr

approx. 4000 hrs


3 hrs

approx. 1300 hrs

EmGratingMovements/ ExGratingMovements

Counts the movements of the related grating motor (read-only).

(FLD-3400RS only)

Counts the movements of the filter wheel (read-only).


Reports when the lamp was replaced last (read-only).


Counts the operating hours since initial operation (excluding the operating hours in standby mode (read-only).

PMT1Workload/ PMT2Workload

Counts the measuring workload of the related PMT (read-only).


Counts the time since last power-up (or last wake-up from standby) (read-only).


Indicates the effective lamp age of the previously installed lamp.


Provides information about system qualification.


Reports the date when detector qualification was performed last (read-only).


Reports the name of the person who performed the detector qualification (read-only).



Reports the interval (in days) when the next system qualification is due.


Specifies the period during which a warning appears before the next qualification is due.


Indicates the period during which the device may be operated after the due date for re-qualification.


Perform this command after qualification to update the related system data.


Provides detector service information.


Reports the date of the last service (read-only).


Specify the interval (in days) after which a service is due.


Specifies the period during which a warning appears before the next service is due.


After the device has been serviced, perform this command to update the related information.


Counts the total operating hours in standby mode since the module was operated for the first time (read-only).


Analog output properties

The following properties are available only if the DAC plug-in board is installed and the DAC Board check box is selected in the Properties dialog for the detector (Detector tab page) in the Server Configuration program.




Sets the signal that is available at the analog output.


Adjusts the zero position of the analog output when it is plotted. The value entered is a percentage of the full-scale analog output. The offset allows the evaluation device to plot the signal if it becomes negative.


The output voltage of the analog outputs cannot reach a minimum of exactly 0 V. Therefore, we recommend to set an offset of at least 5 %, even if only positive analog output signals are expected. This will enable you to also measure very small output signals down to 0 precisely.


Sets the value range of the analog output signal. The range to use depends on the evaluation device to which the output is connected.


Sets the maximum voltage value of the analog output signal (1 or 10). The range to be used depends on the input voltage of the evaluation device to which the output is connected.


For an example program for optimizing the sensitivity, refer to  Optimizing the Sensitivity (FLD-3x00(RS)).

For information about how to install the detector, refer to Hardware Installation  UltiMate 3000 Series - Fluorescence Detectors.