

Instrument Type:

All detectors

Related Commands:



The Autozero command resets physical or Virtual Signals to zero.


All data recorded after an autozero is interpreted and displayed in relation to the new zero point.  This is usually indicated in the chromatogram by a sharp increase in the absorption value.

The Autozero command applies to all signals delivered by a single detector. Thus, autozeroing a diode array detector, such as the Dionex UVD 340 detector, causes the entire 3DFIELD to be zeroed. Autozero applies to one detector only! If several detectors are present in one system, for example, connected in series, they must be autozeroed individually.


Usually, a jump is observed in the baseline after an autozero. That is why Dionex recommends performing autozero before data acquisition, unless this is specifically required during the analysis; for example, after wavelength switching.


If several detectors are switched in series, enter the command separately for each detector.


If a wavelength switch is triggered, a triggered autozero command should follow! Example:


0.000 Inject


0.100 Trigger SwitchWave UV_VIS_1 > 20


 UV_VIS_1.Wavelength = 280






0.500 UV_VIS_1.AcqOn