

Instrument Type:


Related Command:



Delta is a signal property that is accessible (read-only) via the Log command. Delta indicates the difference between the current signal value and the value measured one second ago.

Delta is especially useful when creating complex trigger conditions. A peak cannot only be recognized by the height of its absorption signal within a chromatogram, but also, for example, by a sharp increase of the signal.


The delta is calculated once per second independent of the Sampling Rate or the Step used for data acquisition.


Delta is used especially for trigger conditions. The syntax is as follows:

<Signal.Delta><comparison operator><value>


Trigger PEAK UV_VIS_1.Delta > 0.1

Sound Frequency=440, Duration=1


With this program, an acoustic beep sounds after a peak has been detected (exactly: if the UV_VIS_1 signal ascends by more than 0.1 mAU in one second).


Windows XP (64 bit), Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems do not support the Sound command.


Select the reference value individually depending on the peak height and the baseline noise.



For another example of a trigger condition, refer to  Trigger Commands.