Dionex Detectors
Dionex UltiMate 3000 Series DAD and MWD Detectors
In addition to the
General Device Commands,
the commands listed below are available for the DAD-3000(RS) and MWD-3000(RS)
detectors. Please note that the display Filter
level and detector type determine which commands and properties are displayed.
In addition to these parameters, there are a number of read-only properties
that give information about the detector.
3DFIELD channel commands (DAD only)
Command/Property |
Description |
Start/stop data acquisition. |
Determines the range that is averaged when collecting 3D data (similar to the Bandwidth of a UV_VIS channel). The default BunchWidth is 1 nm. A higher BunchWidth reduces the required data storage and improves the signal-noise-ratio, but reduces the Optical Resolution.
Only integer values are accepted. If you enter a decimal value, Chromeleon automatically rounds to an integer value. |
MaxWavelength |
Sets the maximum wavelength for recording spectra. Narrows the range in which the 3D field is recorded (also see MinWavelength). |
MinWavelength |
Sets the minimum wavelength for recording spectra. Narrows the range in which the 3D field is recorded (also see MaxWavelength). |
Averages several photodiode signals of the reference signal. It is not necessary to select a reference bandwidth unless a reference wavelength is set. |
Corrects the 3D field absorption values. The selected reference wavelength should be in a quiet area of the spectrum where little absorption occurs. |
Reports the retention time of the signal (read-only). |
UV_VIS channel commands
Command/Property |
Description |
Start/stop data acquisition. |
Specifies the optical bandwidth at which a chromatogram is recorded. |
Indicates the signal slope, that is, the difference between the current value and the value one second ago; this is useful for Triggers. |
Serves to average several photodiode signals of the reference signal. It is not necessary to select a reference bandwidth unless you enter a RefWavelength. |
The reference wavelength Is used to correct the absorption values of the wavelength that has been selected for the analysis. The selected reference wavelength should be in a quiet area of the spectrum where little absorption occurs. |
Reports the signal's retention time (read-only). |
Signal |
Reports the current signal value [mAU] (read-only). |
Sets the wavelength for recording the signal on the UV_VIS channel to the wavelength with the absorbance maxima for the analytes of interest. (The available range is from 190 to 800 nm). |
Equilibration commands and properties
Use the equilibration commands and properties only for the SmartStartup feature.
Command/Property |
Description |
Drift |
Provides information about the detector Drift, determined by equilibration. |
*.UpperLimit |
Sets the upper drift limit [mAU/h]. |
*.Value |
Reports the current drift value in mAU/h. The value is calculated as soon as at least a one-minute segment was measured. It is updated with each new recorded segment and averaged over the last 5 minutes. The property value does not change after measurement and can be viewed in the Precondition Log (Preconditions) of the subsequent samples. |
DriftEquilibration |
Reports the status/result of the drift measurement (read-only). |
DriftStatus |
Reports the status/result of the drift measurement (read-only). |
N/A |
Equilibration has not started. |
Measuring |
Equilibration is running, but the amount of data is not yet sufficient to report a result. |
NotReady |
Equilibration is running or has finished. The values are within the specified limits. |
Good |
Equilibration is running. The current data is outside the specified limits. |
Failed |
Equilibration is completed. The result is outside the specified limits. |
NotTested |
The limit was set to 0, drift measurement is disabled. |
Equilibration |
Provides information about the total status of the equilibration (read-only). |
Noise |
Provides information about the detector Noise. |
*.UpperLimit |
Sets the upper noise limit in [mAU]. |
*.Value |
Indicates the current detector noise. The value is calculated as soon as at least a one-minute segment was measured. It is updated with each new recorded segment and averaged over the last 5 minutes. |
NoiseEquilibration |
Reports the status/result of the noise measurement (read-only). |
NoiseStatus |
Reports the status/result of the noise measurement (read-only). |
StartEquilibration |
Starts equilibration (noise/drift measurement). |
General detector commands
Command |
Description |
Alarm |
Reports a pending leak alarm. Default value: Off. |
AlarmOff |
Resets a pending alarm and turns off the beep. |
AutoactivateUV_Lamp |
On: The UV lamp is turned on automatically whenever the detector is powered up. |
On: The visible lamp is turned on automatically whenever the detector is powered up. |
Performs automatic null balancing (= the current detector signal is interpreted as 0). |
Brightness |
Adapts the screen brightness of the detector. |
ClearDisplayError |
Removes a message from the detector display. |
Contrast |
Adapts the screen contrast of the detector display. |
Data_Collection_Rate |
Enter the rate [Hz] at which Chromeleon collects digital data from the detector. Note that Chromeleon selects the best step rate for the UV_VIS signals dynamically. Sample values are averaged over the step interval. |
DemoFileName |
File name of the demo file (may contain %d, which will be replaced by the sample number). |
LeakSensorMode |
Activates or deactivates leak detection. |
ResponseTime |
Specify the Response Time for the signal. The response time is the time required for the detector signal to rise from 10% to 90% in response to a signal increase. The value calculated by Chromeleon is only a recommended value. You are free to select a different value as appropriate for your application.
The response time should be approximately 25% of the peak width at half height of the narrowest peak of interest. |
SetFactoryDefaults |
Restores the Dionex standard settings. |
SlitWidth |
(RS versions only) Select a slit width for the variable slit. A narrow slit means a smaller optical bandwidth, but provides a high optical resolution that is required for analytes with a very fine spectral structure. As more light is available for the detection with a wide slit, the baseline noise is reduced. However, the optical resolution diminishes. |
Standby |
Sets the detector to standby mode or cancels standby mode. During standby mode, the detector remains connected in Chromeleon. |
UV_Lamp |
Reports the state of the UV lamp. To turn on the deuterium lamp, set UV_Lamp to On. |
Visible_Lamp |
Reports the state of the visible lamp. To turn on the visible lamp, set Visible_Lamp to On. |
UV calibration and validation commands
Command |
Description |
WavelengthCalibration |
Performs wavelength calibration via the deuterium lamp. |
WavelengthPeak1/2.../7 |
Reports the measured wavelength for the related peak. |
WavelengthPeak1/2.../7 |
Reports the wavelengths expected for the related peak when the wavelength verification test is performed via the Holmium Oxide Filter. |
Performs an internal wavelength validation procedure using the holmium filter. |
System Wellness and Predictive Performance commands and properties
The Chromeleon version and detector type determine which commands and properties are available for checking the detector's system wellness and performance.
Command/Property |
Description |
CellChangeCount |
Reports the number of times that the flow cell has been changed. |
LastUVLampChangeDate |
Reports when the UV lamp was replaced last (read-only). |
LastVISLampChangeDate |
Reports when the visible lamp was replaced last (read-only). |
OperatingHours |
Counts the operating hours since initial operation (excluding the operating hours in standby mode (read-only). |
PowerOnTime |
Counts the time since last power-up (or last wake-up from standby) (read-only). |
PreviousUVLampOperation |
Reports the operating hours of the previously installed UV lamp (read-only). |
PreviousVISLampOperation |
Reports the operating hours of the previously installed visible lamp (read-only). |
Qualification |
Provides information about system qualification. |
*.LastDate |
Reports the date when detector qualification was performed last (read-only). |
*.LastOperator |
Reports the name of the person who performed the detector qualification (read-only). |
Reports the interval (in days) when the next system qualification is due. |
*.WarningPeriod |
Specifies the period during which a warning appears before the next qualification is due. |
*.GracePeriod |
Indicates the period during which the device may be operated after the due date for re-qualification. |
QualificationDone |
Perform this command after qualification to update the related system data. |
Service |
Provides detector service information. |
*.LastDate |
Reports the date of the last service (read-only). |
*.Interval |
Specify the interval (in days) after which a service is due. |
*.WarningPeriod |
Specifies the period during which a warning appears before the next service is due. |
ServiceDone |
After the device has been serviced, perform this command to update the related information. |
SlitChangeCount |
(RS versions only) Reports the number of times that the slit width has been changed. |
StandbyHours |
Counts the total operating hours in standby mode since the module was operated for the first time (read-only). |
UVLampIgnitions |
Counts the total number of successful UV lamp ignitions (read-only). |
UVLampIgnitionCurrent |
Reports the number of ignition trials when the UV lamp was started last (read-only). |
UVLampIgnitionFailures |
Counts how many times the UV lamp ignition fails (read-only). |
UVLampIntensity |
Reports the UV lamp intensity at 254 nm in counts per second (read-only). |
UVLampOnTime |
Counts the operating hours of the UV lamp since the lamp was ignited last (read-only). |
UVLampOperationTime |
Provides information on the UV lamp's operating time. |
*.Value |
Reports the total operating hours of the UV lamp (read-only). |
*.Warning |
A warning appears when the specified value is reached. |
*.Limit |
An error message appears when the specified value is reached. |
VISLampIgnitionFailures |
Counts how many times the visible lamp ignition fails (read-only). |
VISLampIgnitions |
Counts the total number of successful visible lamp ignitions (read-only). |
VISLampIntensity |
Reports the VIS lamp intensity at 700 nm in counts per second (read-only). |
VISLampOnTime |
Counts the operating hours of the visible lamp since the lamp was ignited last (read-only). |
VISLampOperationTime |
Provides information on the visible lamp's operating time. |
*.Value |
Reports the total operating hours of the visible lamp (read-only). |
*.Warning |
A warning appears when the specified value is reached. |
*.Limit |
An error message appears when the specified value is reached. |
The following commands and properties are available only if the DAC plug-in module is installed and the DAC Board check box is selected in the Properties dialog for the detector (Detector tab page) in the Server Configuration program.
Property |
Description |
Analog1_Offset |
Adjusts the zero position of the analog output when it is plotted. The value entered is a percentage of the full-scale analog output. The offset allows the evaluation device to plot the signal if it becomes negative.
The output voltage of the analog outputs cannot reach a minimum of exactly 0 V. Therefore, we recommend to set an offset of at least 5 %, even if only positive analog output signals are expected. This will enable you to also measure very small output signals down to 0 precisely. |
Analog1_Range |
Sets the voltage range of the analog output signal. The range to use depends on the evaluation device to which the output is connected. |
Analog1_Resolution |
Sets the resolution of the analog output signal. The resolution to use depends on the value expected for the application. |
For PCM-3000 pH and conductivity monitor commands
and properties, refer to
UltiMate 3000 Series VWD, DAD and MWD
Detectors: pH and Conductivity Monitor Commands.
For information about how to install the detector,
refer to Hardware Installation
UltiMate 3000 Series - Diode Array Detectors