RefBandwidth (Reference Bandwidth)




Value Range:



0 [nm]

Related Commands:

RefWavelength (Reference Wavelength)



The reference bandwidth can be selected separately for each channel. The 3D field of a Photodiode Array Detector also has its own reference bandwidth.

Analogous to the conventional bandwidth of a channel, the reference bandwidth serves to average several photodiode signals of the Reference Wavelength.


For example, if the reference wavelength is 350 nm and the reference bandwidth is 5 nm, wavelengths in the range of 348 - 352 nm are averaged and used as the reference.


For the UVD 170/340 detectors, change the reference bandwidth only if the reference wavelength cannot be set to 600 nm; that is, for substances clearly absorbing at 600 nm, especially blue substances. This is the only case where using a higher bandwidth can improve the signal-to-noise ratio.

For the PDA/PDA-100/PDA-3000 detectors and other two-lamp PDA detectors, select a reference bandwidth that includes a majority of light from the same lamp as the sample wavelength. For the PDA/PDA-100 and PDA-3000, the deuterium lamp provides wavelengths of 190 nm to 380 nm and the tungsten lamp provides wavelengths of 380 nm to 800 nm. Select a reference bandwidth that is narrow enough not to interfere with nearby compounds and select an area of the spectrum where the sample does not absorb.