Creating and Modifying Programs
Creating a Program Example
A Program for a 20-minute chromatogram (flow rate: 1 ml/min, components: A (60%) and B (40%), signals: UV_VIS_1 (256 nm), UV_VIS_2 (300 nm), and 3D field: recorded in the 200 to 360 nm range at a step of 0.5 seconds) could have the following appearance:
-10.000 Lamp=On
Pressure.LowerLimit = 5
Pressure.UpperLimit = 250
%A.Equate = "%A"
%B.Equate = "%B"
%C.Equate = "%C"
3DFIELD.MaxWavelength = 360.0
3DFIELD.MinWavelength = 200.0
3DFIELD.BunchWidth = 1.9
3DFIELD.Step = 0.5
3DFIELD.RefWavelength = 600.0
3DFIELD.RefBandwidth = 1.9
UV_VIS_1.Wavelength = 256
UV_VIS_1.Bandwidth = 1
UV_VIS_1.Step = 2
UV_VIS_1.Average = On
UV_VIS_1.RefWavelength = 600
UV_VIS_1.RefBandwidth = 1
UV_VIS_2.Wavelength = 300
UV_VIS_2.Bandwidth = 1
UV_VIS_2.Step = 2
UV_VIS_2.Average = On
UV_VIS_2.RefWavelength = 600
UV_VIS_2.RefBandwidth = 1
Flow = 1.000
%B = 60
0.000 UV.Autozero
20.000 3DFIELD.AcqOff
A program for processing a sample batch must contain the Inject, AcqOn/Off, and End commands.
It is possible but it is not necessary to include the commands for controlling the pump and the detector. Instead of entering the Flow rate, eluent composition (%B, %C, %D), and signal parameters directly on the instruments, you can set these values in the program, as shown in the example. This is only possible for controllable chromatography instruments connected to Chromeleon via an RS-232 interface.
By definition, the injection time is t = 0.000. For all commands that are to be executed before the injection time, the time entry is t < =0.000; for example, the detector lamp on command, here -10.000 min.
You can omit the Lamp=On command if you allow sufficient time for the lamp to reach the operating temperature.
Any PDA-100 or PDA-3000 Photodiode Detector command that triggers an Autozero or Auto Offset command must be followed by either a Wait_AZ command or a delay of at least 30 seconds until the next command. The following commands trigger Autozero or Auto Offset: UV Lamp, Visible Lamp, Wavelength, Bandwidth, RefWavelength, RefBandwidth, Reference Mode, Rise Time, MinWavelength, and MaxWavelength.
For commands that are not listed but are automatically considered, such as, the Step parameters of the UV_VIS_1 channel, either the default values or the values that were last used are used; for example, Step = 0.25. The decision which value is considered depends on the respective device driver.
In your programs, keep in mind that the instruments need a certain time to execute the different processes. If you use an HP autosampler, for example, the program files must be at least 2 min long to allow the Autosampler sufficient time until the next injection.
For special program examples, refer to How to …: Creating and Modifying Programs:
Creating an Equilibration Program
Specifying an Emergency Program
Creating a Power Failure Program