Chromeleon (Overview)
Chromeleon Licenses

Chromeleon can be configured to satisfy the requirements of many different applications. In addition to the basic software package, various options are available from Dionex.

The set of licensed capabilities for a Chromeleon station is controlled by means of a serial number and the corresponding license key. The serial number is coded on a software protection device that is installed locally, together with the license key, or managed by a License Server. (For more information, refer to Software Installation and Communication  The Software License in the Administrator Help section.) Chromeleon can only be started with the full range of features if a protection device (such as a Dongle on the parallel or USB PC interface or a PAL on the A/D converter card) is detected, or if a license provided by the license server is detected.

For information about which Chromeleon licenses are available from Dionex, see the table below.


To check the licenses after the installation, select About Chromeleon on the Help menu.


Server Features




The base server license enables control and data acquisition for instruments attached directly to the PC that has the license. The server must always be configured with one or more timebases. A maximum of two PDA detectors are allowed per server; other server features are optional.



Class 1 to 3:

Each Timebase license enables control of one chromatography system (defined as a set of instrument components that operate according to the same elapsed-time clock).

The timebase class determines which instruments can be controlled:

 Timebase Class 1 License: Supported Devices

 Timebase Class 2 License: Supported Devices

 Timebase Class 3 License: Supported Devices


All Thermo Scientific, Dionex, ESA, and LC Packings instruments are controlled by a Timebase Class 1 license.

The Timebase Class 2 and Timebase Class 3 licenses allow you to control additional chromatography instruments that are not supported by the Timebase Class 1 license. Please note:



Also Supports Devices of


Timebase Class 2

Timebase Class 1


Timebase Class 3

Timebase Classes 1 and 2


Up to six timebases can be configured on one server PC; a maximum of four of these timebases can be fully-controlled LC or IC devices. However, only two Timebase Class 2 or Timebase Class 3 licenses are allowed.


The total number of timebases must be less or equal the total number of licenses. Each timebase requires one license.



Multiple Network

This license enables the server's timebases to be controlled by other Chromeleon client stations across a network. In addition, this license is required for the Online Transfer Agent (OTA) and Network Failure Protection (= NFP). One separate license is required for each installed chromatography Server.



MS Control:

Additional license for a Mass Spectrometer on a chromatography server: Enables MS control and digital data acquisition of a three-dimensional data field. The MS Control license is required for spectra and channel acquisition. One license is needed on each chromatography server.



IC Control SE:

Special low-cost control license for operating a single DX-120, ICS-90, ICS-900, ICS-1000, ICS-1100, or ICS-1600 stand-alone ion chromatography system. This license also supports the following modules: AD25, AS50, AS50 (USB), AS, AS-AP, AS-DV, AS-HV, AXP, ERC 10, ICS-Series VWD, UCI-50, UCI-100, and UI20. In addition, the following drivers are supported: Integrator, Remote Inject, Shared Relays and Inputs, and Virtual Channel. This license is only sold together with an instrument.



3-D Data Acquisition

Additional license that enables a chromatography server to acquire digital 3-D data from Photodiode Array Detectors and the ICS-3000 Electrochemical Detector (ED) or ICS-5000 Electrochemical Detector (ED). For details, see the Additional Notes at the end of this topic.


This license does not enable collection of mass spectrometry data. The MS Control license is required for acquisition and analysis of MS data.



ICS-2000/ICS-2100  Gradient Generation

Additional license that enables electrolytic eluent gradient generation with the ICS-2000 or ICS-2100 Ion Chromatography System.



Fraction Collection

Additional license that enables intelligent fraction collection based on up to two detector signals, with wizard-based program setup and complete fraction reporting.



Extended Fraction Collection

Additional license for Autopurification. (The Extended Fraction Collection license includes the Fraction Collection license.) The license supports control of automatic sample purification via the associated Post-Acquisition Steps, color-coded sample and fraction assignment, special chromatogram views, and sophisticated fraction collection algorithms with peak shoulder detection. More than two detection channels are allowed.




This license is for Chromeleon Xpress only. It enables full instrument control and monitoring, but does not allow storage of data channels.





Client Features



Client License:

License for data reprocessing on a network PC without control. The license supports multitasking and reports from single- and multiple-point calibration with various fit models, integration, ratio test, user programs, etc.



Server Control:

License that enables the Client to connect to local or remote Chromeleon servers for real-time system control and status monitoring. For control across networks, the Chromeleon servers must have the Multiple Network Control license.


This license is available only with a Client License.



Concurrent Clients:

Number of client sessions that can be used concurrently on a PC. A maximum of three Concurrent Clients can be established and licensed on one PC. For a License Server, the number of floating licenses allowed on one PC depends on the INI file (see Hardware Installation  Installing the License Server in the Administrator Help section).




This license extends Chromeleon’s reporting capabilities by enabling use of custom formulas (written in standard Excel syntax) and custom charting. For more information, see Additional Functions.



GLP Compliance:

This license supports additional capabilities required for GLP features:



Virtual Column

Additional license options for the Virtual Column IC Separation Simulator tool. The Isocratic license enables modeling of isocratic separations only; the Linear Gradient license enables modeling of isocratic and linear gradient separations. (The Linear Gradient license is sold only in a Virtual Column Complete package that also includes the Isocratic license.)



Xpress Mode

Provides a simplified interface for operating and monitoring instruments. Does not provide any data review or data management functions.


SDK Features



Additional license for the ASAP open-access option (ASAP = Automatic Switching and Processing).




Additional license for controlling the  Integral Process Analytical System.




Additional Notes about the 3-D Data Acquisition License

Each 3-D license applies to one chromatography server as a whole (and not to a single timebase). No special client license is required for reviewing and processing acquired 3-D data.

Chromeleon supports installation of up to two device drivers on one server for devices that can acquire 3-D data. A maximum of one 3-D photodiode array channel and one 3-D amperometry channel can be configured on a timebase.

With photodiode array detectors, 3-D data provides spectral information that can be used for peak purity analysis and compound identification using spectral library matching. With the ICS-3000 ED or ICS-5000 ED, the 3-D option enables capabilities such as cyclic voltammetry and post-run adjustment of the waveform integration period. These types of 3-D data can be viewed in ISO plot or 3-D plot representation, and chromatograms can be extracted from the 3-D data set.

For more information about 3-D amperometry data and the ICS-3000 ED or ICS-5000 ED, refer to  Analyzing 3-D Amperometry Data.