
The History mode (or more exactly the File History Mode or Modification History Mode) completely documents important changes and operations performed in specific objects and files. Objects include samples, Sequences or Datasources, Control Panels, Report Definition Files (RDFs), PGM Files, and/or QNT Files, and of course modified chromatograms.


Changes in report definition files (RDFs) that are not important for GLP are not logged in the history; such as:

The History mode can be enabled (or disabled) individually for each datasource. Enable Modification history in the Properties of a datasource). If the Comment required option is enabled, each user is prompted to enter a comment before (s)he can save the changed object.

Select a datasource, a directory, or a single object, and then select Show History on the context menu to display the changes that are already documented.


It can take some minutes to create and display the history.

To be able to enter and edit comments or to enable and disable the History Mode, the user must have the corresponding Privileges.

For more information, refer to How to …: Working with Files, Databases, and Networks  Tracking File Modifications (History) in the Administrator Help section.