Installing Dionex Devices
ICS-3000/ICS-5000 Thermal Compartment: Installation

Hardware Installation

Device Connection:


First, install Chromeleon software, and then connect the column compartment to the USB port on the Chromeleon server PC.

Fig.: Rear panel


  • Power switch

  • Fuse cartridge

  • Power connection

  • Digital I/O for communication with external devices

  • USB port for connection to the Chromeleon server PC



Connect the TC to the Server PC via the USB port (no. 5). To do so, select one of the following alternatives:

  • Connect the TC to the server PC via another module in the ICS-3000 or ICS-5000 system that is already connected to the server PC.


Dionex recommends interconnecting all of the modules in the ICS-3000 or ICS-5000 system, and then connecting the system to the Chromeleon server PC via only one connection (for example, from the autosampler). For more information about how to connect the system modules, refer to the ICS-3000 or ICS-5000 system operating instructions.


Digital I/O

The two 6-pin ports (Mini-DIN; no. 4) on the TC rear panel can be used under Chromeleon, as necessary, to synchronize the inject signal of an external autosampler or injection valve with the start of the analysis by the data system.

Fig.: Digital I/O port (rear panel view)
(* NO = normally open contact)

The TC Ship Kit includes a 6-pin Mini-DIN signal cable (Dionex part no. 6000.1004).


Signal Name





Not used



Analog High


Not Used



Analog Low





Digital GND


Digital Input

0 to +5V


Digital Input





Digital Output





Dig./Out (GND)






Device Settings:

No special settings required.


Software Installation

Server Configuration

Install the Device Driver in the Chromeleon Server Configuration. (For more information about the program, refer to Software Installation and Communication  The Server Configuration Program.)

  1. Start the Chromeleon server.

  2. Start the Chromeleon Server Configuration program.

  3. Add the TC to the timebase. Select Add Device on the Edit or context menu, and then select Dionex IC ICS-3000 Systems or Dionex IC ICS-5000 Systems from the Manufacturers list box and TC Thermal Compartment from the Devices list box.

  4. A wizard guides you through the installation. The following settings are required:

    On the General page, select the module address. Verify that the Demo Mode is disabled.

    On the Components page, indicate which components are installed and whether the injection valve(s) will be controlled by the AS Autosampler.

    On the Configuration page, accept the setting that Chromeleon records the temperature signal as a separate channel and select the unit of measurement for pressure.

    On the Relays page, enable or disable the two TC relays. On the Inputs tab page, enable or disable the two TC inputs.

    The Error Levels page, which is available only after the installation, classifies the severity of any errors that occur. It is generally not necessary to change the default settings.

  5. To control the TC, select a suitable Control Panel from the Dionex Templates\Panels\Dionex_IC folder in the Browser and connect the panel in the Chromeleon client to the corresponding timebase. As an alternative, use panel tabsets (refer to How to:  Controlling Devices from the Panel Tabset in the User Help section).


For an overview of the different commands and properties that are supported for the TC, refer to Commands for Controlling Dionex Devices in the User Help section:

 Dionex TC/TCC-100/TCC-3x00 Thermostatted Column Compartments

 Dionex TC/TCC-100/TCC-3x00 Thermostatted Column Compartments: Column ID Properties

For an example program, refer to Practical Tips for Device Control  Controlling the Column Temperature in the User Help section.


For hints regarding troubleshooting, refer to Connecting Dionex Devices to the Chromeleon Server  Troubleshooting for USB or TCP/IP Connections.

For a list of all error messages that may appear in Chromeleon, refer to the Error Levels tab page in the Server Configuration program.

Further Information


For detailed installation instructions, refer to the ICS-3000 or ICS-5000 system installation instructions.

For an overview of the TC, refer to  ICS-3000/ICS-5000 Thermal Compartment: Overview.

For an overview of the different Dionex devices that are distributed at present, refer to  Installing Dionex Devices.