Demo Mode (also called Virtual or Simulation Mode)

Use the Demo Mode to simulate device control and data acquisition without the instrument being installed. To operate an instrument in this mode, enable demo or virtual mode in the Server Configuration program. With most Device Drivers you can enable demo or virtual mode by selecting the corresponding option on the General tab page. For some detectors, for example the UVD340U PDA, select the Read option to enable demo mode.

Simulate data acquisition by loading a pre-recorded demo file and then displaying the data on the signal plot of the Control Panel. The demo file is "read back" as though the data were being acquired in real time. Some detectors also allow recording your own demo data.

For more information about how to enable demo or virtual mode, simulate data acquisition, and record demo data, refer to  Controlling Devices from the Control Panel  Using/Recording Demo Data.

Contrary to the usual procedure, the demo mode of the UCI Universal Chromatography Interface does not use previously recorded signal courses. The UCI drivers include a Software Peak Generator, instead. Specify the signal properties of the chromatograms to be generated on the Demo tab page.


It is not possible to output MS MCA data in demo mode!


Do not confuse Demo, Virtual, or Simulation Mode with the Chromeleon Evaluation Mode.