Dionex Flow Manager and Column Compartments
Dionex TC/TCC-100/TCC-3x00 Thermostatted Column Compartments

In addition to the commands supported for the different column compartments, such as Connect, Disconnect, and Temperature (see  Dionex Flow Manager and Thermostatted Column Compartments), Chromeleon supports the following commands and properties. (Please note that the display Filter level determines which commands and properties are displayed and that, depending on the column compartment type, some commands or properties may not be available.)





See  Dionex TC/TCC-100/TCC-3x00 Thermostatted Column Compartments: Column ID Properties.


Reports the name of the pump that is used to generate the gradient.


Adapts the screen brightness of the device display to your requirements.


Clears the Status LED on the front panel door after an alarm.


Removes the message from the display of the column compartment.


The column names are the names entered on the Components (TCC-100: Configuration) tab page in the Server Configuration program. Use the various column commands and properties to enter and check information about the columns. For more information, refer to  Dionex TC/TCC-100/TCC-3x00 Thermostatted Column Compartments: Column ID Properties.


Sets the position of the related column switching valve to redirect the flow to column A (B, C, or D).


This channel is available only if  the TemperatureSignal check box is selected in the Properties dialog box (Configuration tab page) in the Server Configuration program. If the check box is selected, Chromeleon records the temperature as a separate channel. The channel name is the name entered on the Configuration tab page in the Properties dialog box.

Click the plus sign beside the name to display the items underneath:

Delta-reports the signal slope; that is, the difference between the current value and the value one second ago. This is useful for triggers.
-has the following items: Value (current signal value), UpperLimit, and LowerLimit. If the current signal value is outside these limits, a warning appears in the Audit Trail.

AcqOff-terminates data acquisition.

AcqOn-starts data acquisition.

Retention-reports the retention time of the signal (read-only).

MaxAutoStep = Maximum step rate for Auto Step Mode;
range: 0.1 - 5.1 s. Default: 5.1 s

Step-sets the step for data acquisition; range: 0.01 - 4.80 s; Auto selects the best step dynamically

Average-averages all measured values over the step interval. Default: On. Off records only the last point of each interval.


Selects the two columns to be used alternately for injection (see also CurrentColumn and NextColumn).


Adapts the screen contrast of the device display to your requirements.


The device enters the Ready state only if the difference between the current temperature and the set point temperature does not exceed the value defined under Cooler_ReadyTempDelta for the time specified here (see also ReadyTempDelta and Ready).


The device enters the NotReady state if the difference between the current temperature and the set point temperature exceeds the value specified for Cooler_ReadyTempDelta. If the Cooler_ReadyTempDelta is set to None, Chromeleon does not check whether the temperature set  point deviates from the actual temperature (see also Cooler_TempReady and Cooler_EquilibrationTime).


Specifies the state of temperature control for the post-column cooler. If set to Off, post-column cooling is not performed.


Reports whether the temperature of the post-column cooler is within the specified limits (Ready or NotReady).


Reports the current temperature of the post-column cooler. The following properties are available if you open the command tree: Value (current temperature of the post-column cooler), Nominal (set temperature), UpperLimit,and LowerLimit. If the current temperature is outside these limits, a warning appears in the Audit Trail.


Selects the current column (see also ColumnsToUse, NextColumn, and ColumnX_XxxValve).


Reports whether the compartment door is open or closed.


The device enters the Ready state only if the deviation between the current temperature and the set temperature does not exceed the maximum deviation specified under ReadyTempDelta for the time specified here (see also ReadyTempDelta and Ready).

Example: If the temperature is set to 45°C, EquilibrationTime is 0.5 min, and ReadyTempDelta is 1°C, the device enters the Ready state as soon as the temperature is between 44°C and 46°C and kept in this range for 0.5 minutes.


The smaller the value of ReadyTempDelta and the higher the value of EquilibrationTime, the longer the time required by the device to enter the Ready state, and thus to start acquisition or analysis.

Note that external conditions, such as draft or air conditioning, may also extend the waiting period or even prevent the device from entering the Ready state.


Reports the firmware version of the device.


Reports whether the gas sensor has detected a leak.


Sets the sensitivity with which the sensor responds to gas. Click the arrow in the input box and select an option from the list. Possible settings are:

Low, Standard, High: The Status LED on the front panel is red, a message appears in the Audit Trail, and a beep sounds.

Low_Silent, Standard_Silent, High_Silent: The Status LED on the front panel is red, a message appears in the Audit Trail, but no beep sounds.

Off: Deactivates gas leak detection.


Indicates the hardware version of the device.


Indicates whether the humidity sensor has detected a leak.


Sets the sensitivity with which the sensor responds to humidity. Click the arrow in the input box and select an option from the list. Possible settings are:

Low, Standard, High: The Status LED on the front panel is red, a message appears in the Audit Trail, and a beep sounds.

Low_Silent, Standard_Silent, High_Silent: The Status LED on the front panel is red, a message appears in the Audit Trail, but no beep sounds.

Off: Deactivates humidity leak detection.

InjectValve_1 and/or InjectValve_2

Indicates and sets the position of the related valve.


The valve switches.


The valve is in the Load position.


The valve is in the Inject position.


The control electronics are not connected. Please contact Dionex Service.


An error occurred. Please contact Dionex Service.


Indicates the timebase in which the device is installed.


Indicates whether at least one leak sensor has reported a leak (see also HumidityLeak and GasLeak).


Deactivates the leak alarm.


Reports whether the sensors are ready for leak detection (Ready, NotReady, or Error).


Reports the model number of the device.


If a column switching valve is installed and if the Internal MSV check box is selected in the Properties dialog box (Configuration tab page) for the device in the Server Configuration program, the column switching valve is switched to the desired position (A (1) or B (2)).


Switches the column switching valve to the next position, directing the flow through either of the alternately used columns.


Reports the column compartment's current status.


Reports whether the device is ready to operate (Ready or NotReady; see also ReadyTempDelta, EquilibrationTime, Cooler_EquilibrationTime and Cooler_ReadyTempDelta.


If the current temperature deviates from the temperature set point by more than the ReadyTempDelta, the device enters the NotReady state. If the ReadyTempDelta is set to None, Chromeleon does not check whether the set point temperature deviates from the current temperature (see also Ready and EquilibrationTime).

Example: If the temperature is set to 45°C and ReadyTempDelta is set to 1°C, the device enters the Ready state as soon as the current temperature is between 44° and 46°C. If the current temperature is outside this range, the device enters the NotReady state.


The smaller the value of ReadyTempDelta and the higher the value of EquilibrationTime, the longer the time required by the device to enter the Ready state, and thus to start acquisition or analysis.

Note that external conditions, such as draft or air conditioning, may also extend the waiting period or even prevent the device from entering the Ready state.


Selects the pump used to recondition the column.


Chromeleon supports this command only for Summitx2 and UltiMate 3000 x2 dual-gradient devices and only for the NextColumn command.


Reports the serial number of the device.


Resets the column thermostat settings to the default Dionex factory settings.


Sets the column compartment to standby mode (Standby) or turns it off (NoStandby). Available values: Standby, NoStandby, WakingUp, and EnteringStandby. In standby mode, the device remains connected in Chromeleon.


WakingUp and EnteringStandby are only temporary states. Therefore, you should not select these states from the commands list.

TC_INPUT_1 and/or TC_INPUT_2
TCC_INPUT_1 and/or

Reports the state of the related digital input (On or Off).

TC_RELAY_1 and/or TC_RELAY_2
TCC_RELAY_1 and/or

Specifies parameters for relay 1 or 2. The following settings are available:

State-reports the state of the relay.
-the relay toggles after the specified time.

On-turns the relay on

Off-turns the relay off



Reports the current temperature of the column oven. The following commands are available in the command tree:   


Current signal value (read-only)


Nominal temperature

UpperLimit, LowerLimit

If the current signal value is outside these limits, a warning appears in the Audit Trail.


Turns temperature control on or off.


Reports whether the temperature of the device is within the specified limits (Ready or NotReady).


Indicates and sets the position of the left or right valve. For example:


The valve is switching.


Indicates the fluid connections in the valve: ports 6 (10) and 1 are connected.


Indicates the fluid connections in the valve: ports 1 and 2 are connected.


The control electronics is not connected; contact Dionex Service.


An error occurred. Contact Dionex Service.


Indicates the manufacturer name (read-only).


Post-column cooler channel commands and properties

The following commands and properties are available only if a TCC-3000RS is installed and a Post-column Cooler check box is selected in the Properties dialog box (Components tab page) for the device in Server Configuration program.




Starts/terminates data acquisition.


Averages all measured values over the step interval. Default: On. Off records only the last point of each interval.


Reports the signal slope, that is, the difference between the current value and the value one second ago. This is useful for triggers.


Maximum step rate for Auto Step Mode; range: 0.1 - 5.1 s. Default: 5.1 s.


Reports the retention time of the signal.


Reports the signal value. The following values are available in the command tree: Value (current signal value, read-only), UpperLimit, and LowerLimit. If the current signal value is outside these limits, a warning appears in the Audit Trail.


Sets the step for data acquisition; range: 0.01 - 4.80 s, Auto, 0.5, 1, 2; Auto selects the best step rate dynamically (recommended).


System Wellness and Predictive Performance commands and properties


Note that the installed Chromeleon version and the device  type determine which System Wellness and Predictive Performance commands and properties are available.





Reports the total cooling work load [K*min] since the column compartment was operated for the first time (read-only).


Reports the total heating work load [K*min] since the column compartment was operated for the first time (read-only).


After you have replaced the left rotor seal, perform this command to update the related service information.


Reports when the rotor seal was replaced last (read-only).


Counts how many times the left valve has moved since the rotor seal was replaced last.


Reports the current number of valve movements (read-only).


Counts how many times the left valve switches (read-only).


Counts the operating hours since the column compartment was operated for the first time (excluding the operating hours during standby mode) (read-only).


Counts the operating hours since the column compartment was powered up (or resumed operation after standby) (read-only).


Reports the total cooling workload of the post-column cooler obtained since commissioning.


Reports the total heating workload of the post-column cooler obtained since commissioning.


Provides information about system qualification.


Reports the date when qualification was performed last (read-only).


Reports the name of the person who performed the qualification (read-only).



Specifies the interval (in days) when the next system qualification is due.


Specifies the period during which a warning appears before the next service is due.


Indicates the period during which the device may be operated after the due date for qualification.


Perform this command after qualification to update the related system data.


After you have replaced the rotor seal, perform this command to update the related service information.


Reports when the right rotor seal was replaced last (read-only).


Counts how many times the right valve has switched since the rotor seal was replaced last.


Reports the current number of valve movements (read-only).


Counts how many times the right valve switches. (read-only).


Provides service information.


Reports the date of the last service (read-only).


Specifies the interval (in days) after which a service is due.


Specifies the period during which a warning appears before the next service is due.


After the device has been serviced, select this command to update the related information.


Counts the total operating hours in standby mode since the device was operated for the first time (read-only).


For information about column identification, refer to  Dionex TC/TCC-100/TCC-3x00 Column Compartments: Column ID Properties.

For an example program, refer to Practical Tips for Device Control  Controlling the Column Temperature.

For installation details, refer to Hardware Installation: Dionex Devices:

 ICS-3000/ICS-5000 Thermal Compartment: Overview

 TCC-100 Thermostatted Column Compartment: Installation

 UltiMate 3000 Series - Thermostatted HPLC Column Compartments: Installation