

Peak Table tab page
Report Variable (Peak Table/Peak Results)


Floating point number


Determined by the Dimension of Amounts parameter on the General tab page

Related Variables:

Dimension of Amounts


The Amount parameter determines the content (amount, concentration) of a standard sample or a Validation Sample of a particular mixture component. For multi-point calibration with various standards (i.e., the injection volume does not vary), several values must be entered for each peak. Thus, a matrix of standard contents is created, whose lines correlate to the peaks and the columns to the various standards.

Amount of standards and validation samples:

Enter the amount as concentration value (e.g., µg/µl) or as absolute amount (e.g., µg).

In a single-point calibration, only one standard is used. This means that there is only one value per component (peak).

In a "real" multiple-point calibration (Single-Point and Multiple-Point Calibration - no variation of the injection volume), the number of amount values for each component must correspond exactly to the number of standards.

See also: Calibration  Entering Amount Values


In a multiple-point calibration, the values of the Amount columns are corrected by the ratio of the injection volumes (for which the reference volume defined on the General tab page of the QNT Editor is used) and the dilution factors in comparison to the first standard. You can thus combine the amount values with the Dilution Series!

Even for multi-point calibration, normally only one peak table is required!


In the Report, you can display the amount values of standard and validation samples from the peak table. You can define which Amount value is used for each substance, see Parameter Input for Amount.

Calculated Amount:

In the report, the result is displayed accordingly, either as concentration value or as an absolute amount. The respective inverse function is used for calculation (see  Calculating the Peak Variable "Amount"). The Formula for Calculating the Amount allows you to consider the response factor, dilution factor, weight, and a factor for the Internal Standard.

In absolute amounts, the result always relates to the injected volume; for example, 17.6 µg per 20 µl injection volume. Select the Concentration peak result variable to normalize the value to 1 µl by dividing the absolute value by the injection volume; for example, 17.6 / 20 = 0.88 µg/µl.


If a concentration unit has been chosen as Dimension of Amount, the Concentration peak variable has lost its sense.


The following options are available for standard addition:

Compute the amount against the original calibration curve with offset

When calculating the amount of the unspiked sample, Chromeleon uses the "original" calibration curve with offset. If this parameter is not selected, the "shifted" calibration curve that goes through the origin is used.

Do not subtract the reference amount for spiked samples

When calculating the amount of the spiked samples, the reference amount, that is the spiked amount, is not subtracted. Thus, the indicated amount is the total amount.


For information about how to add report variables to a report and set their parameters, refer to:

 Adding or Deleting Report Variables