Formula for Amount Calculation

This formula calculates the amount in an unknown sample. The prerequisite is that all necessary Calibration Coefficients and all peak areas of the sample to be analyzed have been determined.

The ISTD factor is the ratio of the added amount of Internal Standard to the determined amount of internal standard:



Indicates the peak number

Indicates the calibration function for peak p calculated during the calibration. For more information, refer to Creating and Using Report Tables  Calculating the Peak Variable "Amount."

Indicates the determined area of peak p (for integration type = Area)


Indicates the scaling factor. The scaling factor can be specific for each peak; for example, to compensate the differing absorption behavior.

ISTD Fact.

Indicates the correction factor for the internal/external standard method. For the external standard, this factor equals 1.


Corresponds to the Dil.Fact. parameter from the sample list.


Is a sample-specific factor that always refers to all peaks.


Indicates the sample number


The calculation of the calibration curve is the precondition for amount calculation. For information about how the calibration curve is calculated, refer to Theory of Calibration  Evaluation with Various Standard Methods.