Dimension of Amounts



General tab page
Report Variable (Peak Table)





Value Range:

All printable characters



Related Parameters:



The Dimension of Amounts parameter defines the physical unit of the amount values. This is usually an amount unit, but you may select a concentration unit, instead.


The chosen unit is entered in the column header of the amount column of the report table. It is only relevant to the documentation of results and has no influence on the calculation algorithms.


Consistency of units is entirely up to the user. If weight was read as g, do not enter mg here. There will be no automatic conversion!

For the calculation of the concentration in the report or the printer layout, Chromeleon presumes that a unit of amount was chosen. If a unit of concentration was entered as Dimension of Amounts, this calculation does not make sense.

For information about how to add report variables to a report and set their parameters, refer to:

 Adding or Deleting Report Variables