Ref. Amount Set (Reference Amount ID)






Value Range:

All printable characters



Related Parameter:

Std. Add. Group


The Ref. Amount Set Sample Variable allows you to assign standards, Validation Samples, and/or Spiked Samples to the Amount columns of the QNT Editor.

Enter the same name for standard and validation samples for which the concentration (amount) is identical. Proceed in the same way for spiked samples.


If you analyze several samples using the Standard Addition method, Dionex recommends adding identical amounts of the same substances to the same sample volume.


To assign the samples to the Amount columns, select Columns > Edit Amount Columns on the context or Edit menu in the QNT Editor.

In the Edit Amount Columns dialog box, select Ref. Amount Set from the Assign Standards on the basis of: drop-down list. The entries of the Ref. Amount Set sample column are then used to assign amount columns.

To assign one Amount column to each level of standard, validation, and/or spiked samples, click Auto-Generate, and then select Generate a separate amount column for EACH standard from the list.

For an application example, refer to  Standard Addition.