Sample Variables (Overview)

The variables in the sample list (see Samples and Sequences  The Sample List (Sequence)) default columns are referred to as sample variables. They characterize a sample and are stored in a database as part of the Sample Data. For an explanation of the columns, refer to:

Auto Purif. Frac. (Autopurification Fraction)

Auto Purif. Ref. (Autopurification Sample Reference)

Auto Purif. Type (Autopurification Sample Type)

Comment (Sample Comment)

Dil. Factor (Dilution Factor)

GUID (Globally Unique Identifier)

Inj. Date/Time

Inj. Vol. (Injection Volume)

ISTD Amount (Amount of the Internal Standard)

Method (QNT Method)

Name (Sample Name)

No. (Sample Number)

Pos. (Sample Position)

Program (also, refer to PGM File)

Ref. Amount Set (Reference Amount ID)

Replicate ID

Sample ID

Std. Add. Group (Standard Addition Group)

Status (Sample Status)

Type (Sample Type)

Weight (Sample Weight Factor)


In addition to these default columns, Chromeleon supports User-defined Columns and Sequence Report Columns.