Status (Sample Status)






Value Range:




Related Parameter:

Inj. Date/Time (Time of Injection)


The Sample Variable Status determines the current sample processing status. A sample is either unprocessed (Single), due for multiple processing (Multiple), processed (Finished), Interrupted, currently being processed (Running), or being prepared (Preparing).

Chromeleon also maintains a log of the sample status, that is, a Single sample is automatically assigned the status Finished as soon as processing is complete. A sample may also be excluded from processing by assigning the status Finished manually.

The sample status has a special significance for the built-in Power Failure Protection. Upon recovery from a power failure or starting the sample batch after a manual interruption, Chromeleon continues processing the sample batch according to the selected power failure handling option.




The sample is processed only once, after which it receives the status Finished. When loading a sample list for processing (online), only samples with the status Single and Multiple are processed.

If a Single sample contains an entry in the time column, this indicates that the sample was injected but was interrupted before completion.

(Not available for Chromeleon XPress)

The sample can be repeatedly acquired. The system just enters the Inj. Date/Time (Time of Injection) in the Time column. Existing Raw Data are overwritten with each new data acquisition.

New samples can have the status Multiple assigned only if the Enable Sample Status Multiple option of the corresponding datasource is enabled. The option is available in the (datasource) Properties (via the Properties command on the context menu) on the General tab page. Samples that have the status Multiple already assigned keep their status even with disabled Enable Sample Status Multiple option.


All original Single samples are automatically assigned the status Finished after successful processing. A sample with the status Finished will be omitted in the renewed processing (also following a Power Failure). In GLP Datasources, it is not possible to reset the sample type Finished to Single.


If the user stops a running batch via Immediate while a sample is being processed of if an error occurs during the sample run resulting in an abort, the corresponding sample is labeled Interrupted.

After a power failure or a server breakdown the sample is started again if you selected the Continue with interrupted sample option on the Error Handling tab page. (Access the Error Handling tab page by selecting the Error Handling command on the Batch menu.)


A running sample is marked green. When the sample has been processed, it gets the status Finished or Multiple assigned (without background color).


You can also open samples during the analysis, while their status is Running (see Integration  Opening a Sample).


The autosampler prepares the next sample while the current sample is Running. The sample being prepared is marked yellow.


This status occurs, for example, when an AS or AS50 autosampler that has the Sample Overlap option enabled is preparing a sample. The Sample Overlap option is enabled in the AS or AS50 Server Configuration Properties on the Options tab page.

Also, refer to Practical Tips for Device Control  Overlapping Samples



Multiple status samples will be acquired each time. The raw data, therefore, are not protected from accidental overwriting. The Time column indicates, however, whether and when the sample was last injected. If this column is empty, the sample has not yet been acquired at all.