Commands and Tips for Third-Party Devices
Agilent 1100/1200 HPLC System: Fluorescence Detector
In addition to the general commands for the 1100/1200 HPLC systems (see Agilent 1100/1200 HPLC System: General), the following commands and properties are available (please note that the display Filter level determines which commands and properties are displayed):
Device Properties
The default setting is that the current values are read from the detector.
² This property is used only if an internal calibration was successfully performed via the Test_Calibration command.
³ The property may be set only once and only at retention times <0.000 min.
Device Commands
Command |
Description |
Abort_Calibration |
Aborts the detector's internal calibration procedure.
This command can be performed only when the instrument is performing a calibration. |
Adjust_Calibration |
After the internal calibration of the detector, you can use this command to update the internal calibration settings, based on the test. That means that the measured Excitation_Deviation_Absolute value is assigned to Excitation_Deviation_Correction and the measured Emission_Deviation_Absolute value to Emission_Deviation_Correction.
This command can be used only if an internal calibration was successfully performed via the Test_Calibration command. |
DarkCurrentTest |
Performs a dark current test. The results of the last dark current test are saved as properties (Dark_Reference and Dark_Pmt, see above).
This command can be performed only if the detector is idle. In addition, the lamp must be on. |
PmtTest |
Calculates an appropriate photomultiplier gain, based on the settings.
This command can be performed only if the detector is idle. |
Scan |
Saves the spectrum scan.
This command can be performed only during data acquisition. In addition, verify that ScanMode is not set to Off and that ScanWhen is set to All. |
Test_Calibration |
Starts the detector's internal calibration procedure and updates the associated properties with the results.
This command can be performed only if the detector is idle. In addition, the lamp must be on. |
Channel Properties
Property |
Min. |
Max. |
Description |
EmWavelength |
200 to 700 nm, Off, ZeroOrder |
Emission wavelength in nm Off: No data is recorded on this channel. This improves the signal-to-noise ratio on the other channels because more single values are averaged. ZeroOrder: The monochromator grating serves as mirror. The entire emission spectrum is recorded on the channel.
The EmWavelength must be longer than all used excitation wavelengths. In addition, it must be identical for all channels in programs with ScanMode = Excitation. |
ExWavelength |
200 to 700 nm, Off, ZeroOrder |
Excitation wavelength in nm Off: No data is recorded on this channel. This improves the signal-to-noise ratio on the other channels because more single values are averaged. ZeroOrder: The monochromator grating serves as mirror. The entire lamp spectrum is used for excitation. Overlaps with the emission wavelength result in increased stray light and thus, in increased background noise.
The ExWavelength must be shorter than all used emission wavelengths. In addition, it must be identical for all channels in programs with ScanMode = Emission. |
The default setting is that the current values are read from the detector.
For more information, refer to:
Agilent 1100/1200 HPLC System: Scan Modes for the Fluorescence Detector
Agilent 1100/1200 HPLC System: Example Programs for the Fluorescence Detector