Commands and Tips for Third-Party Devices
Agilent 1100/1200 HPLC System: Scan Modes for the Fluorescence Detector
The fluorescence detector supports the following operating modes:
ScanMode = Off: The monochromators are set to a fixed wavelength. In this mode, the detector can acquire the emission signal only for this wavelength. It is possible to change the wavelength setting during a sample run. However, it is not possible to acquire scans. Compared to the other operating modes, data acquisition is performed with the best signal-to-noise ratio.
ScanMode = Excitation/Emission: One monochromator is set to a fixed wavelength; the other monochromator rotates at 4000 rpm. In this way, it is possible to perform measurements at different wavelengths quasi-parallel. You can record data from up to four emission channels. In addition, you can determine whether and when you want to perform spectra scans:
ScanWhen = None: No spectra scans are recorded. Use this mode if you want to record data from several channels and no spectra.
ScanWhen = AllInPeak or Apex supports data acquisition from several channels and automatically saves the scans, based on peak detection from the fluorescence detector. The PeakWidthPD and Threshold parameters determine the peak width and the peak height for this. Scanning is performed only if the device firmware recognizes a peak via these parameters.
ScanWhen = All: Spectra are not saved automatically. Nevertheless, a Scan command is provided. You can use this command at any time to save the spectrum (either by using it in a program or by executing a trigger).
If no spectrum is recorded (ScanWhen = None), the signal-to-noise ratio is only slightly lower as for ScanMode = Off. If spectra are recorded (ScanWhen = AllInPeak, Apex, All), the signal-to-noise ratio is approximately half the ratio as for ScanMode = Off.
Also, refer to Agilent 1100/1200 HPLC: Program Examples for the Fluorescence Detector.
For information about the commands for fluorescence detector control, refer to Agilent 1100/1200 HPLC System: Fluorescence Detector.
The Administrator Help section provides installation instructions for the 1100 and 1200 HPLC systems; refer to Hardware Installation: