Setting up a Datasource
Creating a Network Datasource
A network Datasource allows you to save Chromeleon data on the network and thus, to make this data available to authorized persons and Chromeleon data servers. The following datasources can be used as a network datasource:
Access data sources
Oracle data sources
MS SQL server data sources
Follow the steps below:
For an unprotected datasource, Set up Sharing the Datasource Directory from the Explorer. For a protected datasource, i.e., for a datasource that is not protected by the Transaction Agent,
Set up Sharing the Datasource Directory from the Computer Management Tool.
For information about how to protect datasources, refer to Protecting Datasources from Access via the Windows Explorer.
To save the data recorded on your server PC directly on the network datasource, follow the steps described in Saving Chromatography Data on the Network.
The procedures described refer to Windows XP, they might be slightly different in other versions of Windows.