Collecting Fractions
Setting Up Fraction Collection

Before you can collect fractions, you have to set up fraction collection as follows.

Server Configuration

Install the Fraction Collection driver in the timebase. (Select Add Device on the context menu, select Generic from the left list box, and then select Fraction Collection from the right list box.) In addition, install the Device Driver for the respective fraction collector.

Determine how the fractions are collected, either in the Program Wizard (see The Control Program  The Program Wizard) or on a Control Panel. On a control panel, select Command on the Control menu and then select the required settings under Fraction Collection.

Program Wizard

The Program Wizard assists you in creating a Program for fraction collection control:

Standard Program Example

If you have not yet saved a FractionCollectionTemplate.pgm, the PGM Wizard creates the following standard program. (The program includes the default fraction collection commands for a single detection channel plus the standard commands.)



 ;* Definition of triggers for fraction collection starts here.


 ; Definitions copied from template <Timebase> \FractionCollectionTemplate!

 Trigger FracStart FracStartDetected


 Trigger TubeChange FracTubeChange


 Trigger FracEnd FracEndDetected



 ;* Definition of triggers for fraction collection ends here.


 PumpDevice =  "Pump"

 TubeMaxVolume =  Unlimited

 FractionCollection.TotalNumberInstalled =  Unlimited

 MaxTubesPerFraction =  Unlimited

 TubeWrapping =  No

 TubeChangeDuration 2.0

 DelayTime =  0.0

 OffsetTime =  0.0

 DetectionChannel1.Name =  "UV_VIS_1"

 PeakStartSlope =  0.500

 PeakStartTrueTime =  1.00

 PeakStartThreshold =  10.00

 PeakStartCurve Off

 PeakMaxSlope =  0.000

 PeakMaxTrueTime 1.00

 PeakEndSlope =  -1.000

 PeakEndThreshold =  10.00

 PeakEndCurve Off

 PeakEndTrueTime 1.000

 ThresholdNoPeakEnd =  2000.000

 BaselineOffset =  0.000

 BaselineDrift =  0.000

 Flow = 1.00

 %B = 0.0

 %C = 0.0

 %D = 0.0


0.000 Autozero 

 Wait Frac.Ready and Sampler.Ready




 CollectFractions = By_Peak

 CollectOutsidePeaks = No


10.000 3DFIELD.AcqOff



10.100 End 



To ensure that the fractions are collected exactly, you have to enter and/or consider the actual delay time or the actual delay volume.

For more complex program examples, refer to:

 Program Example (One Detection Channel)

 Program Example (Two Detection Channels)

 Fraction Collection Control via an MS

For an overview of the fraction collection topics, refer to  Collecting Fractions.