Collecting Fractions
Selecting the Channel for Fraction Collection (Channel Selection Options)

On the Channel Selection Options page of the Program Wizard or PGM Editor, select the channel(s) for fraction collection. (The Control Program section provides more information about the  Program Wizard and  PGM Editor.)

Select one or more channels to evaluate for fraction collection. Also, select one of the following options:




All selected channels

(Default) The system starts fraction collection when a peak start is detected in all detection channels.

The system stops fraction collection when the end of the first peak is detected.


The program includes the following command:

ChannelEvaluation = All.

At least one of the selected channels

The system starts fraction collection when a peak start is detected in at least one detection channel.

The system stops fraction collection when the end of the last peak is detected.


The program includes the following command:

ChannelEvaluation = Any.


For an overview of the fraction collection topics, refer to  Collecting Fractions.