Installing and Controlling Third-Party Devices
Gilson 215 Liquid Handler: Installation

Device Type:

Liquid handler

Device Driver:

Gilson: Liquid Handler 215

Supported Hardware Options:

  • 2 Gilson 819 inject ports

  • 5 relays

  • 6 inputs


What is required?


Timebase Class 3

Select About Chromeleon on the Help menu of the Chromeleon client to check whether this license class is available.


Modem cable (Dionex part no. 8914.0128 or 8914.0144A) (For more information, refer to  Modem Cable (1:1 Cable).)

Required for the Gilson 819 inject port:

GSIOC cable (The Gilson part number for this cable is 500933. The cable is not available from Dionex.)


A free RS-232 port (COM1 or COM2, because the Gilson configuration software included in the shipment supports only COM1 and COM2)

Hardware Installation

Device Connection:

Use a modem cable (Dionex part no. 8914.0128 or 8914.0144A) to connect the Gilson 215 Liquid Handler to the PC. (For cable details, refer to  Modem Cable (1:1 Cable).)

Connect the Gilson 819 inject port to the liquid handler using a Gilson GSIOC cable. (The Gilson part number is 500933. The cable is not available from Dionex.). If there is a second Gilson 819 inject port, use another GSIOC cable on the corresponding free connector of the first GSIOC cable.

Device Settings:

Verify that the SW-2 (baud rate/mode selector) switch on the instrument's rear panel is set to position 6 (19200 baud, GSIOC Master).


Software Installation

Install the Device Driver in the Chromeleon Server Configuration. (For more information about the program, refer to Software Installation and Communication  The Server Configuration Program.)

  1. Start the Chromeleon server.

  2. Start the Server Configuration program.

  3. Add the liquid handler to the timebase. Select Add Device on the Edit or context menu, and then select Gilson from the Manufacturers list box and 215 Liquid Handler from the Devices list box.

  4. The following settings are required:

On the General tab page, select a free COM port and enter the GSIOC address set on the instrument. (The address is displayed on the instrument's rear panel. To change the address, follow the description in Device Settings. When selecting the COM ports, please note that the included Gilson configuration software supports only COM1 and COM2.)

On the Sampler tab page, enter the name of the installed tray, the syringe volume, and the maximum syringe speed. The driver checks the last two entries that are based on the configuration and corrects them, if necessary.

On the Inject Port tab page, enter the GSIOC address of the respective inject port, the loop volume, and the home coordinates of the injection needle. (Check the correct input of the loop volume and the coordinates!)

On the Relays tab page, deselect all relays that are not used. On the Inputs tab page, remove all inputs that are not available.

The Error Levels tab page classifies the severity of any errors that occur. It is generally not necessary to change the default settings.

  1. In addition, Dionex recommends that you install the Fraction Collection driver. You do not need to change the settings on the General and Error Levels tab pages.


Verify serial communication settings

Use the Gilson GSIOC Utility to verify the COM port and GSIOC address information. If any information is incorrect or missing, close the GSIOC Utility and use the GSIOC Configuration Editor to update the information. For details, refer to the User's Guide of the 215 Liquid Handler. If you have problems when running the Gilson software under your Windows operating system, contact your Gilson representative.


Configuring the Liquid Handler

Configure the Liquid Handler using the 215 Setup program. Check especially the coordinates of the wash station and write down the coordinates of the injection port.

Use the TrayEdit program to define the tray layout. Specify the zone names and the vial numbering. The vials from which to inject should be located in the first zone. Assign a zone name; for example, Samples.

You can define further zones; for example, for fraction collection or sample preparation. Please note that the driver for zone names supports the letters A-Z (no special characters), numbers, and the characters %, and _, only. The character _ will replace every other character entered in the tray editor.

The file name must not exceed nine characters (+ .gty). Save the resulting file in the Chromel\bin folder; for example, \Chromel\bin\gil215.gty.

For information about the different injection modes, refer to Commands and Tips for Third-Party Devices  Gilson: Injection Modes.

Further Information

For information about how to collect fractions using the Fraction Collection device driver, refer to How to:  Collecting Fractions.


For more installation details, refer to the manual for the instrument.

For an overview of the different Gilson instruments for which device drivers are available in Chromeleon, refer to  Gilson.