Commands and Tips for Third-Party Devices
Gilson: Injection Modes

Chromeleon supports the following injection modes:





Default setting. Depending on the injection volume, either the entire loop (Total Loop) or a section of it (Partial Loop) is filled with the sample.

Total Loop:

The entire injection loop is filled with the sample liquid; the injection volume therefore corresponds to the injection loop.

If the syringe volume is larger than the loop volume, it is possible to use a higher volume than the loop volume (IntoLoopFactor > 1). The volume exceeding the loop volume is used to pre-wash the injection loop with the sample liquid.

To prevent dilution effects, the volume extracted from the sample reservoir can be larger than the volume injected into the loop (Sample Factor>1). The sample liquid remaining in the syringe after the injection (= excessive volume) is then dispensed during the final wash cycle.


VS: Sample volume

FI: IntoLoopFactor

FS: Sample Factor

Partial Loop:

Only a part of the injection loop is filled with the sample liquid. The injection volume is therefore smaller than the volume of the injection loop.

To compensate for the dead volume between the injection port and the injection loop, it is possible to inject a small quantity of solvent after the sample. The volume of this injection can be specified under Push Volume. Please note:


VS: Sample volume

VP: Push volume

VI: Injection volume

Centered Loop:
(only for the 235 Autosampler)

Only a part of the injection loop is filled with the sample liquid. Solvent is drawn into the injection loop before and after the sample. Contrary to the Partial Loop injection mode, the entire content of the injection loop is injected.


With the setting Custom, only the injection valve is switched to Inject. The user must perform any other steps.