Commands and Tips for Third-Party Devices
Shimadzu LC-10A HPLC System: Program Example for the Reagent Injection Mode


The Shimadzu devices support only programs that start at the time t = 0.000 min. If the program includes a command at a negative retention time, an abort error occurs during the Ready Check.

You can only set the injection mode if you have selected the Prep Loop option on the Sampler tab page in the Server Configuration program.

The following program is an example for sample preparation with the Shimadzu SIL-10ADvp autosampler in Reagent injection mode:


; Pump settings:

 Pressure.LowerLimit = 2

 Pressure.UpperLimit = 150

 %A.Equate = "Water"

 %B.Equate = "Methanol"

 Flow = 1.000

 %B = 80.0 


; Detector settings:

 Mode = Dual

 Response = 2.00

 UV_VIS_1.Wavelength =  272

 UV_VIS_1.Step =  0.20

 UV_VIS_1.Average =  On

 UV_VIS_2.Wavelength =  254

 UV_VIS_2.Step =  0.20

 UV_VIS_2.Average =  On


; Settings for the Reagent InjectMode:

 InjectMode = Reagent

 SourceVial = 51

 SourceVolume = 20

; 20 µl of air is automatically drawn first, and then the source volume, e.g., 20 µl, is drawn from position 51. Finally, 30 µl (= source volume + 10 µl) are delivered to the injection vial (defined position).

; Afterward, a Wash command is executed for the sample loop and the needle, using the settings for WashVolume and WashSpeed.


 ReagentAVial = 30

 ReagentAVolume = 5


 ReagentBVial = 31

 ReagentBVolume = 10


 ReagentCVial = 32

 ReagentCVolume = 15


; For each reagent, 20 µl of air is automatically drawn first, and then the reagent volume, e.g. AVolume = 5 µl, is drawn from the indicated position. The reagent volume + 10 µl (here = 15 µl) are then delivered to the injection vial (defined position).

; Each time after a reagent has been delivered to the injection vial, a Wash command is performed for the sample loop and the needle, using the settings for WashVolume and WashSpeed. After the last reagent has been delivered to the injection vial, the contents of the vials is mixed; no additional wash cycle is performed. For information about the general commands, refer to the previous topic:  Program Example for the Standard Injection Mode.


 Position = 0

 Volume = 5


; The position of the injection vial is the position at which the sample and the reagent are mixed and from which injection is performed. You can specify the position in the PGM File or in the sample list of the sequence.


; Settings for the mixing cycle

 MixRepeat = 3

 PrepVolume = 25

; Number of mixing cylces that are performed after the SourceVolume and the Reagent have been delivered to the injection vial. The PrepVolume is drawn and expelled for each mixing cycle.


 Bubbling = Off

; If Bubbling is set to On, the PrepVolume is used as volume.

; After all mixing cycles have been performed, a Wash command is executed for the sample loop and the needle, using the settings for WashVolume and WashSpeed.


 PrepTime = 1.0

; Indicates the time the system waits after the mixing cycles have been completed (here: 1.0 min).


; Injection and data acquisition:

0.000  UV.Autozero 





10.000 UV_VIS_1.AcqOff




For other example programs, refer to:

 Shimadzu LC-10A HPLC System: Program Example for the Standard Injection Mode

 Shimadzu LC-10A HPLC System: Program Example for the Dilution Injection Mode

 Shimadzu LC-10A HPLC System: Program Example for the Advanced Injection Mode

For information about how to install the Shimadzu HPLC Systems, refer to Hardware Installation  Shimadzu LC-2010 HPLC System: Installation and  Shimadzu LC-10A/LC-20A HPLC System: Installation in the Administrator Help section.