Dialog Box:
Edit Amount Columns

Use the controls in this dialog box to add, delete, or rename Amount columns in the peak table and to assign standards to these columns.


Assign standards on the basis of:

This option determines the criterion used to identify and assign standards to the selected Amount column. The following Sample Variables are available: Name, Sample Position (= Pos.), Sample ID, Replicate ID, Comment, Ref Amount Set.

For example, select Name to assign standards to the associated Amount columns according to their sample names. Standards will be listed in the Standards window (see below) by name.

Ref. Amount Set allows you to assign several standards, Validation Samples and/or Spiked Samples to one Amount column. It is a prerequisite that each sample contains the same concentration (or amount) of all substances (for spiked samples: added concentration or amount).


The selected option will apply to all sequences that use the current QNT File. For example: You select the Vial Number option, and then assign vial number 5 to Amount column B. From now on, vial number 5 (regardless of its contents) is assigned to Amount column B in every sequence that uses this QNT File.



Amount Column

This window lists the names of Amount columns in the peak table. The "Unassigned" item, if present, indicates that a standard(s) is not associated with any Amount column. Select a column in this window to display a list of the associated standards in the Standards window.

To rename any Amount column (including "Default"), double-click it (or press the F2 key), type a unique column name in the edit box that appears in the window, and press Enter. You cannot rename the "Unassigned" item.




This window lists all standards ( = standard samples; = Spiked Samples, and = Validation Samples) for the selected Amount column. Standards are identified by the selected assignment mode: Name, Vial Number, Sample ID, etc. (see above).

Assigning standards to a column is an easy drag-and-drop operation: Select a sample(s) in the Standards window and drag it to the appropriate column in the Amount Column window.




To add a new Amount column to the peak table, click New, type a unique column name in the edit field that appears in the Amount Column window, and press Enter.




To remove an Amount column from the peak table, select the name in the Amount Column window and click Delete.

Any standards assigned to the deleted column are now associated with the "Unassigned" item. You cannot delete the "Unassigned" item.




Select this option to quickly generate either a separate Amount column for each standard or a single Amount column that applies to all standards.

Click Auto-Generate, select the preferred option from the drop-downlist, and click Apply. This deletes any existing Amount columns and assigns all standards in the current sequence to the auto-generated column(s).

By default, auto-generated columns are identified by the selected assignment mode: Name, Vial Number, Ref. Amount Set, etc. (see above). The columns can be renamed.