In calibration, a functional relationship is determined between the peak area or peak height and the concentration of a substance (in HPLC/IC; in GC, usually the injected amount of a substance). To allow this you have to enter certain values or make other settings in Chromeleon. The required input is listed below. The order corresponds to the order in which the input is usually made.
Sample List (Browser)
Injection volume (Inj. Vol.)
Sample weight factor (Weight)
Dilution factor (Dil. Factor)
Amount of the Internal Standard (ISTD Amount)
In many cases, it is sufficient to enter the injection volume in the sample list. Usually, you enter the injection volume in the Sequence Wizard (unless you copy an existing sequence).
QNT Editor: General Tab
QNT Editor: Peak Table Tab
Standard; also, see Selecting the Standard Method (Standard Column)
Integration Type; also, see Selecting the Calibration Function (Cal Type and Int. Type Columns) and
Weighting and Averaging Calibration Points
QNT Editor: Amount Table Tab (The amount table is part of the peak table.)
Amount; also, see Entering Amount Values (Amount Column)
QNT Editor: Calibration Tab
For calibration examples, refer to Calibration Examples.
For information about how to display calibration curves, refer to Displaying Calibration Curves.