Installing and Controlling Third-Party Devices
Merck Hitachi L7100 Pump: Installation

Dionex recommends operating the Merck Hitachi L7100 Pump with the new Merck (or Hitachi) LaChrom HPLC System Device Driver (see  Merck Hitachi LaChrom HPLC System: Overview).

Chromeleon still provides the old device driver (Obsolete: Merck Hitachi L7100 Pump (D-Line)) only for compatibility reasons. The old driver requires a D-Line converter for each device.

Hardware Installation

Device Connection:

Use a D-Line cable to connect the Merck Hitachi L7100 Pump to a D-Line converter. Use the upper D-Line socket of the L7100 (labeled RELAY BOX) as power is supplied to this socket only.

Connect the D-Line converter itself to a free COM port of the controlling PC using a fully connected null modem cable. (Dionex part no. 1310.2263; for more information, refer to  Null Modem Cable.)

Device Settings:

The driver uses the default settings of the D-Line converter for the serial communication: 4800 Baud, 8N1. To check: This setting is used if the DIP switch settings on the card inside the D-Line converter are as follows:


Switch 1      1    2     3     4    5     6

                  Off  Off  On  On  On  Off

Define the pump type on the Setup menu as follows and confirm your input by pressing <Enter>:

  • When turning on the pump, simultaneously press the Utility and Power keys to open the Setup menu.

  • Set the pump type to LP (low pressure) or HP (high pressure). If the setting is LP, you can only select pump A. If the setting is HP, you can select either pump A or pump B.

  • Verify that the D-Line function is set to On.

  • Turn off the pump.

  • Turn on the pump. The "D-Line is not ready" message appears.

  • Connect the pump to Chromeleon.

The following settings are required on the Utility menu:

  • Press the Utility key to open the Utility menu. Enter the following values and confirm your inputs by pressing <Enter>:

  • Cond: 1

  • LP Gradient: 3

  • LP Gradient Type Fast: (2) (else, the actual gradient does not correspond to your program!)


Software Installation

Install the Device Driver in the Chromeleon Server Configuration. (For more information about the program, refer to Software Installation and Communication  The Server Configuration Program.)

  1. Start the Chromeleon server.

  2. Start the Server Configuration program.

  3. Add the pump to the timebase. Select Add Device on the Edit or context menu, and then select Obsolete from the Manufacturers list box and Merck Hitachi L7100 (D-Line) from the Devices list box.

  4. The following settings are required:

On the General tab page, select the COM port to which the pump is connected. In addition, disable the Demo Mode.

On the Limits tab page, determine the maximum allowed pressure.

On the Solvents tab page, specify the number and name(s) of the solvents delivered by the pump.

The Error Levels tab page classifies the severity of any errors that occur. It is generally not necessary to change the default settings.



Further Information


For more installation details, refer to the manual for the instrument.

For an overview of the pump, refer to  Merck Hitachi L7100 Pumps: Overview.

For an overview of the different Merck Hitachi instruments that can be controlled by Chromeleon, refer to  Merck Hitachi.