Installing and Controlling Third-Party Devices
Gilson 235 and 235p Autosamplers: Installation

Device Type:

Autosampler with up to 384 positions

Device Driver:

Gilson: 235 Autoinjector

Supported Hardware Options:

  • 5 relays

  • 4 inputs


What is required?


Timebase Class 3

Select About Chromeleon on the Help menu of the Chromeleon client to check whether this license class is available.


Modem cable (Dionex part no. 8914.0128 or 8914.0144A) (For more information, refer to  Modem Cable (1:1 Cable) in the Appendix of the Hardware Installation section.)


A free RS-232 port

Control Panel:


Hardware Installation

Device Connection:

Use a modem cable (Dionex part no. 8914.0128 or 8914.0144A) to connect the Gilson 235 and 235p Autosamplers to the PC. (For cable details, refer to  Modem Cable (1:1 Cable) in the Appendix of the Hardware Installation section.)

The Peltier cooling of the 235p Autosampler is usually connected to relay 3 so that the software can turn cooling on and off. Dionex recommends keeping this setting and naming relay 3 in Chromeleon accordingly.

Device Settings:

Verify that the SW-2 (baud rate/mode selector) switch on the instrument's rear panel is set to position 6 (19200 baud, GSIOC Master).


Software Installation

Install the Device Driver in the Chromeleon Server Configuration. (For more information about the program, refer to Software Installation and Communication  The Server Configuration Program.)

  1. Start the Chromeleon server.

  2. Start the Server Configuration program.

  3. Add the autosampler to the timebase. Select Add Device on the Edit or context menu, and then select Gilson from the Manufacturers list box and 235 Autoinjector from the Devices list box.

  4. The following settings are required:

On the General tab page, select a free COM port and enter the GSIOC address set on the instrument. (The address is displayed on the instrument's rear panel. If necessary, change the address as described above in Device Settings. When selecting the COM ports, it may happen that the Gilson tray editor (required for configuring special sample trays) and the Gilson autosampler configuration software block COM1 and COM2.)

On the Sampler tab page, enter the name of the installed tray file. The pull down box lists all tray files (maximum 9 characters) that are available in the Chromel\Bin directory. If the tray file is located in a different directory, enter the whole path. In addition, you can specify the syringe volume, the maximum syringe speed, and the loop volume. Select the syringe volume from the selection list. This action automatically sets the corresponding maximum syringe speed.

On the Relays tab page, deselect all relays that are not used.

On the Inputs tab page, remove all inputs that are not available.

The Error Levels tab page classifies the severity of any errors that occur. It is generally not necessary to change the default settings.

  1. To control the Gilson 235 or 235p autosampler, connect the Gilson235.pan Control Panel in the Chromeleon client to the corresponding timebase.


Configuring the Sample Tray

The autosampler can access any coordinates. Thus, almost every sample tray including homemade trays can be used. To ensure this flexibility, the driver takes the dimensions and coordinates of the vials from the tray file.

Dionex supplies some tray files for the most commonly used sample racks:


Tray File

Rack Code

Vial Type



96-hole micro titer, flat



384-hole micro titer, flat



96-hole micro titer, deep



2 ml



0.7 ml



96-hole micro titer, cooled, flat (235p)



384-hole micro titer, cooled, flat (235p)


If you use a different rack or if special requirements must be fulfilled, you must generate a tray file yourself. For this purpose, use the Tray Editor of the Gilson Software 709. You can also use the editor to modify existing tray files if you wish to number the vials in a different order or reserve special vial positions, for example, for specific applications, by assigning separate zone names.

The program defines the layout of the sample rack and determines the zone names and vial numbering. The vials to be used for injection should be available in the first zone. Name this zone, for example, samples.


With the Inject command, the samples always have to be in the first zone. (The zone number does not influence their actual position.)

You can define additional zones, for example, for fractionating or sample preparation. Please note that the driver only admits the characters A-Z (no umlaut, accents, ß), %, _, and numbers to be used in zone names. Other characters entered in the tray editor will be replaced by _.

Save the result; for example, under \Chromel\bin\MyTray.gty.

Tray Files

Different standard tray files are already available (see below). Install your rack in the autosampler so that the first sample is at the front left. If the corresponding Gilson program is available on your computer, you can freely program different sample arrangements by yourself. For available tray files, refer to  Gilson Autosampler and Fraction Collector: Tray Files.


If you change the syringe, communicate the new syringe volume to the autosampler, i.e., make the corresponding setting in the Server Configuration. (For more information about the program, refer to Software Installation and Communication  The Server Configuration Program.)

For specific applications, you can also change the coordinates for waste, rinse station, and injection port.


Dionex recommends using the default values. If these positions are not hit exactly, re-adjust the autosampler.

Injection Modes

For information about the different injection modes, refer to Commands and Tips for Third-Party Devices  Gilson: Injection Modes in the User Help section.

Further Information


For more installation details, refer to the manual for the instrument.

For an overview of the different Gilson instruments for which device drivers are available, refer to  Gilson.