Installing and Controlling Third-Party Devices
Fisons 8000 Gas Chromatograph: Installation

Device Type:

Gas chromatograph

Device Driver:

Fisons: 8000 Gas Chromatograph

Supported Hardware Options:


Fisons 8000 gas chromatographs or Mega 2 GC with:
Electrometer EL800
Digital Flow and Pressure Controller (DFPC) with up to 2 injectors
and up to 7 valves.


What is required?


Timebase Class 1


RS-232 cable (see  Fisons GC Cable)


  • An A/D converter is required for data acquisition. A UCI Universal Chromatography Interface including the appropriate signal cables may be used.

  • A free RS-232 port is required for control.

Control Panel:

Fis8000A.pan or
Fis8000B.pan or

Hardware Installation

Device Connection:

Connect the Fisons 8000 Gas Chromatograph using an RS-232 cable (see  Fisons GC Cable).

Device Settings:

Communication is via the following interface parameters: 9600 baud, 8 data bits, No parity, 1 stop bit. The baud rate has to be set at the instrument as well. Proceed as follows:

To set the value to 9600 baud, simultaneously press the <SB TIME - PROG RESET - ACTUAL TEMP> keys.


Software Installation

Install the Device Driver in the Chromeleon Server Configuration. (For more information about the program, refer to Software Installation and Communication  The Server Configuration Program.)

  1. Start the Chromeleon server.

  2. Start the Server Configuration program.

  3. Add the gas chromatograph to the timebase. Select Add Device on the Edit or context menu, and then select Fisons from the Manufacturers list box and 8000 Gas Chromatograph from the Devices list box.

  4. The following settings are required:

On the General tab page, select a free COM port.

On the Components tab page, enter the installed components. In addition, specify the maximum flow rate of the injector(s).

On the Oven & Zones tab page, set up the temperature control for the oven as well as three temperature-controlled heating zones for the GC. Two channels and two injectors are available.

Open the Signal Configuration dialog box by double-clicking the respective channel on the Signals tab page. Assign a channel to the signal and name the signal in the Signal Name field according to the selected detector type.

On the Relays tab page, deselect all relays that are not used.

The Error Levels tab page classifies the severity of any errors that occur. It is generally not necessary to change the default settings.

  1. To control the Fisons GC connect one of the Fis8000A.pan, Fis8000B.pan, or Fis8000C.pan control panels in the Chromeleon client to the corresponding timebase.


The Fisons 8000 Gas Chromatograph Device Driver controls the oven temperature of the Fisons 8000 gas chromatograph and the Mega 2 GCs.

In addition, you can record the signals of two channels (GC_1, GC_2) and address up to seven valves. In addition, it is possible to control up to three "heating zones" (additional temperature-controlled modules that are externally controlled).

If the Fisons 8000 is fitted with the Digital Flow and Pressure Controller (DFPC), the Flow and Pressure can be controlled as well.

Further Information


For more installation details, refer to the manual for the instrument.

For an overview of the Fisons instruments for which device drivers are available in Chromeleon, refer to  Fisons.

Also, refer to  Fisons AS800 and A200S Autosamplers (the AS200S corresponds to the CTC A200S, refer to  CTC Analytics).