Installing Dionex Devices
UltiMate 3000 Series LPG-3400XRS Pump: Installation

Device Type:

Pump for HPLC applications

Device Driver:

Dionex HPLC:  UltiMate 3000

LPG-3400XRS Pump

Hardware Options

For information about the available configurations, refer to the operating instructions for the LPG-3400XRS pump.


The following limitation apply:

  • Smart Startup/Smart Shutdown not supported

  • Diagnostics not supported

  • Delayed injection volume not supported

  • Only a linear concentration gradient (Curve = 5) is supported.

  • When setting the pressure unit "psi" in combination with the highest possible pressure value, a PGM error may occur if the pressure unit is later changed to "bar" or "MPa", because the maximum pressure limit allowed for these units may be slightly lower due to rounding effects. In case the pressure limit is exceeded after conversion of the unit, enter the unit's maximum allowed pressure value manually in the PGM. For example, a value of 18130 psi should be rounded down to 1250 bar.

  • Digital input ports of the pump do not support inject synchronization via the Remote Inject driver or the DCMSLink for Xcalibur Sync driver.

  • The flow and eluent gradients are not reported in the Chromatogram view and the report.



What is required?


Timebase Class 1


A free USB port and the following cables are required:

  • USB cable (Dionex part no. 6911.0002) to connect the pump to the server PC via the USB port

Autosampler Connection

The following cables are required to connect the pump with an UltiMate 3000 series autosampler:

OAS-3x00TXRS autosampler:

  • Signal synchronization cable to synchronize the injection command with the pump strokes, Dionex part no. 6043.0002.

  • OAS-3x00 interconnect cable to transmit the Inject Response signal between the autosampler and the pump, Dionex part no. 6043.0004.



  • 6-pin mini-DIN signal cable (LPG-3400XRS to WPS-3000TXRS), Dionex part no. 6000.1004 (for pump stroke synchronization)

  • 8-pin I/O terminal connector


Detector Connection

The following cable is required to connect the pump to one of the following Thermo Scientific detectors:

Corona or Coulochem III detector:

  • Synchronization cable, Dionex part no. 6043.0003. The cable is shipped with the Corona or Coulochem detector, respectively.

  • 8-pin I/O terminal connector

Control Panel:

To control the instrument, use

  • panel tabsets (refer to How to:  Controlling Devices from the Panel Tabset)


  • a suitable panel from the
    Dionex Templates\Panels\Dionex_LC
    folder in the Browser.


Hardware Installation

Device Connection:

First, install the Chromeleon software, and then connect the instrument to the USB port on the Chromeleon server PC.  

Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends interconnecting all modules of an UltiMate 3000 system, and then connecting the system to the Chromeleon server PC via only one connection. For more information about how to connect the system modules, refer to the operating instructions for the pump.

Also refer to Connecting Dionex Devices via USB.


Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends using the USB ports for connections to Dionex instruments only. Thermo Fisher Scientific cannot guarantee correct functioning if instruments from other manufacturers are connected.

Solvent Rack

If the UltiMate 3000 system includes an SRD-3x00 Solvent Rack with analytical vacuum degasser, the SRD can be operated with the pump. To do so, connect the Solvent Rack port on the rear of the pump with the related port on the rear of the Solvent Rack, using the connection cable from the SRD ship kit.


A Solvent Rack with an analytical degasser cannot be used with a semipreparative pump.

Hardware Synchronization:

Pump Stroke Synchronization

If the pump is connected to an UltiMate 3000 autosampler, the pump strokes can be synchronized with the injection command of the autosampler. At first, configure the settings for the pump as described under Software Installation below. Following this, configure the settings for the connected autosampler.


For details on how to establish connection with a OAS-3x00TXRS, refer to:

UltiMate 3000 Series OAS-3x00TXRS Autosampler: Installation and

UltiMate 3000 Series OAS-3x00TXRS Autosampler: Connecting the Autosampler.



If the pump is connected to a WPS-3000TXRS, the following settings must be defined on the configuration pages of the WPS-3000TXRS:

  1. On the Segments/Pump Link tab page:

  2. In the Pump Link section, select UM3WPS_STRK_1 to enable pump stroke synchronization for the LPG-3400XRS. If the system includes two pumps, select UM3WPS_STRK_2 for the second pump.

  3. To disable pump stroke synchronization, select None.

  1. On the Inputs tab page:

  2. Select the autosampler's input port that is connected to the pump. If the pump is connected to Digital I/O port 1, for example, select Input_1.

  3. Double-click the input port or press the F2 key to open the Device Configuration dialog box. Under Pump Device, specify the name of the pump. This is the name that you have configured on the pump's Devices tab page under Pump device name.

  4. If the system includes two pumps, repeat the steps for the second pump.


The Operating Instructions of the respective UltiMate 3000 devices also provide detailed installation information.


Software Installation

  1. In the Chromeleon Server Configuration, add the driver to a timebase. For details, see Adding, Configuring or Deleting Devices. After you add the driver, the configuration dialog opens automatically.

  2. On each configuration tab page, select the desired settings. For information about the settings on a page, click Help or press F1.

Firmware Update

The pump is shipped with the most recent firmware version. If a newer version of the firmware is available, the Thermo Fluspeed Series Pump Firmware Upgrade Wizard 2.0 is required to update the firmware. The installation file for the wizard (fpfuw2000402.exe) is located on the Chromeleon-DVD, folder Thermo Tools\LPG-3400XRS Firmware Upgrade Tool.

Before performing a firmware update, check the firmware version installed in the pump. The firmware version is displayed in the Command window in the Chromeleon client, at the Expert display filter level.


To ensure that the update is successful, make sure that the communication between the pump and the data system computer is not interrupted during the update and that you do not turn off the pump.

To install the Firmware Upgrade Tool

  1. Double-click fpfuw2000402.exe to install the application.

  2. Follow the instructions of the installer.

  3. When the installation has been successful, click Finish to close the installer.

  4. The firmware upgrade tool is now accessible via Start Menu -> Programs -> Thermo Fluspeed Series Pump Firmware Upgrade Wizard 2.0.

To upgrade the pump firmware

After installation of the firmware upgrade tool you can upgrade the pump's firmware. Before you begin, verify that


  1. In the Start menu, under Programs, select Thermo Fluspeed Series Pump Firmware Upgrade Wizard 2.0.

  2. Select the pump for which you want to perform the upgrade.

  3. Select the new firmware file (LPG-3400XRS.xrs). By default, the current firmware files are located in the Chromeleon Installation folder on C:\Chromel\bin\DDK\V1\Drivers\Thermo\Ultimate\LPG3400XRS.

  4. Start the upgrade and follow the instructions provided by the firmware upgrade wizard.

For additional information, also refer to the operating manual of the instrument.

Further Information

For detailed installation instructions, refer to the operating instructions for the instrument.

For troubleshooting information, refer to Troubleshooting for USB and TCP/IP Connections.

For an overview of the different Thermo Scientific/Dionex devices, refer to  Installing Dionex Devices.