
Enter the configuration of the installed detector:







Make sure that this check box is selected if a detector of the Shimadzu LC-10A or LC-20A series is configured with the system.



Device Name

Indicates the name under which the instrument is identified in the installation environment (default: UV; also, refer to Naming Devices...). To control the instrument via the existing Control Panels, accept the default name. If you do not accept the default name, you may have to edit the PGM Files and re-link the corresponding control of the control panel. (Also, refer to How to: Controlling Devices from the Control Panel  Linking a Control to a Device in the User Help section.)



Recycle Valve installed

Select this check box if the system is equipped with a recycle valve.


This check box does not appear for LC-2010 systems. The recycle valve for the LC-2010 is configured automatically by Chromeleon during the device configuration. You can check for the presence of the recycle valve by generating a configuration report after the LC module has been configured.


Select the channel(s) by the box (to change the signal parameters, click Change):







Select or clear a check box to enable or disable the corresponding signal or (device) channel. Make sure that the required signal(s) or channel(s) are selected; if they are not, they will not be available in Chromeleon. Only selected signals/channels can be displayed; Chromeleon can record raw data only for these signals/channels.

(For information about how to name a signal, refer to Naming Devices ....)




Indicates the signal unit for the recorded Raw Data.




Indicates the amplifying factor for the channel.



Also, refer to Hardware Installation:

 Shimadzu LC-10A/LC-20A/LC-30A HPLC System: Installation

 Shimadzu LC-2010 HPLC System: Installation