Commands and Tips for Third-Party
Shimadzu LC-10A/LC-20A/LC-30A and LC-2010 HPLC Systems: Autosampler
In addition to the standard autosampler commands
(see Commands for Controlling Dionex
Devices Dionex Autosamplers) and the
special commands for controlling a Shimadzu Rack Changer (see
Shimadzu LC-20A/LC-30A
HPLC System: Rack Changer),
the commands and properties from the table below are available (please
note that the display Filter
level determines which commands and properties are displayed).
The names of the Shimadzu commands and properties may be slightly different, depending on the version of your autosampler.
Command |
Description |
Purge |
Purges the autosampler. |
Wash |
Washes the needle. |
The table below lists the Shimadzu autosampler properties that are supported by Chromeleon.
In Chromeleon, you can set the tray in the server configuration program, based on the Shimadzu MTPTRAY property.
Chromeleon |
Shimadzu |
Values |
Description |
ExcessVolume |
10-100 µl |
(SIL-10A/AF/Ai only) Sets the excess sample volume that is drawn during sample processing. |
ExtRinseMethod |
PumpSW |
NotUsed, PumpOnly, PumpFirst, DipFirst, AfterRun |
(SIL-20 models only) Specifies the method used to rinse the needle. This property is only available, if the option Ext. Rinse pump was selected on the Sampler tab page of the Server Configuration. See also: ExtRinseTime. |
ExtRinseTime |
PumpTM |
1 -9 s |
(SIL-20 models only) Specifies the duration for rinsing the needle using the external rinse pump. This property is only available, if the option Ext. Rinse pump was selected on the Sampler tab page of the Server Configuration. See also: ExtRinseMethod. |
ExtPumpUsed |
0–9999999 s |
Indicates the total operating time of the external rinse pump. |
FlowRinseMethod |
PumpSW |
NotUsed, PumpOnly |
(SIL-30 models only) Specifies the method used to rinse the needle. |
FlowRinseTime |
PumpTM |
1 -9 s |
(SIL-30 models only) Specifies the duration for rinsing the needle using the flow rinse pump. |
HighPressure |
- |
Counts the number of rotations of the high-pressure valve. |
HighPressureValveRotStator |
- |
Counts the number of rotations of the high-pressure valve stator. |
InjectionCounter |
- |
Counts the injections. |
LocationNaming |
Alphanumerical, Numerical |
(SIL-20A, SIL-20AC, SIL-20AXR, SIL-20ACXR, SIL-30AC only) Determines whether rack positions are labeled using an alphanumeric or numeric format. When using the Fill Column function (F9 key) in the Browser or Sequence Wizard, position names are automatically generated according to the currently selected setting. The property is available for the following rack types:
Example: For a (Deep) Well Plate with 384 positions, position may be labeled like this: Numerical: 1_F1 to 1_F384 (front plate) and 1_B1 to 1_B384 (back plate), 2_1 to 2_10 (control vials). Alphanumerical: 1_FA1 to 1_FP24 (front plate) and 1_BA1 to 1_BP24 (back plate), 2_1 to 2_10 (control vials). |
LowPressure |
- |
Counts the number of rotations of the low-pressure valve. |
LowPressureValveRotStator |
- |
Counts the number of rotations of the low-pressure valve stator. |
MeanderingScheme |
A1A2 1A1B |
(SIL-20A, SIL-20AC, SIL-20AXR, SIL-20ACXR, SIL-30AC only) Defines how samples are approached on the rack.
The figures below depict the orientation of the rack in the sampler. A1A2 (default): Samples are approached row-wise (A1, A2, A3....) on a saw-shaped path.
1A1B: Samples are approached column-wise (A1, B1, C1...) on a saw-shaped path. The property is available for the following rack types:
17-54 mm |
Sets the distance that the needle moves down when drawing sample. |
Position |
- |
- |
Sets the position of the sample in the rack. |
PumpPurge |
Stop, A, B, C, D |
Starts purging of the specified solvent line or stops purging of the solvent line. |
PurgeTime |
(Only for the LC-10A) Sets the time for which the autosampler is purged. |
RinseType |
SyringeSpeed |
0.1-15.0 µl/s SIL-10A/AF/Ai: 1-150 µl/s (500 µl syringe) 5-150 µl/s (2500 µl syringe) 10-150 µl/s (5000 µl syringe) SIL-10AXL: 1-150 µl/s |
Sets the speed with which the syringe draws the sample. |
SyringeSuctionVolume |
(SIL-10AXL only) Reports the total volume drawn by the syringe since initial operation of the module. |
SyringeVolume |
- |
0-5000 µl |
(SIL-10A/AF/Ai only) Reports the volume of the syringe that is configured on the Sampler tab page in the Server Configuration. |
Temperature |
4-40°C or Off |
Sets the temperature for the cooling unit if present. |
ToggleSILPurge |
Starts or stops automatic purging of the autosampler. Autosampler purging stops automatically after elapse of the specified PurgeTime. |
ValveRotations |
- |
Indicates the number of valve rotations. |
Volume |
- |
syringe: 2ml syringe: SIL-10AXL: 1-400 µl SIL-10A/10AF/10Ai: 1-400 µl (500 µl syringe) 1-2000 µl (2500 µl syringe) 1-5000 µl (5000 µl syringe) |
Injection volume
Note the following restrictions for the injection volume:
WashDuration |
0-60 s |
(Only for the SIL-HTA/HTC/10ADvp:) Sets the duration for the needle wash. |
WashMode |
NoWash WashBeforeSample WashAfterSample Both |
Determines when the needle is washed. |
WashSpeed |
1-35 µl/s SIL-10A/AF/Ai: 1-150 µl/s (500 µl syringe) 5-150 µl/s (2500 µl syringe) 10-150 µl/s (5000 µl syringe) SIL-10AXL: 1-150 µl/s |
Sets the speed with which the syringe draws the volume for washing the needle. |
WashVolume |
1-2000 µl SIL-10A/AF/Ai: 1-2000 µl (500 µl syringe) 1-9999 µl (2500 µl syringe) 1-20000 µl (5000 µl syringe) |
Sets the volume with which the needle is washed. |
To use the Purge and Wash commands or the NeedleStroke, WashVolume, WashSpeed, SyringeSpeed, PurgeTime, WashMode, and WashDuration properties, you have to enter them manually in the PGM Editor.
The NeedleStroke, WashVolume, WashSpeed, SyringeSpeed, Temperature, PurgeTime, WashMode, and WashDuration properties are allowed only once in the program. Besides, they are allowed only at the time t = 0.000 min. Otherwise, an error message appears during the Ready Check.
Washing is always performed between two injections. Chromeleon waits for this either at the end of sampling or before the next injection.
For information about how to install the Shimadzu HPLC Systems, refer to: