Commands and Tips for Third-Party Devices
Shimadzu LC-10A/LC-20A/LC-30A and LC-2010 HPLC Systems: UV/VIS Detector

In addition to the standard detector commands (see Commands for Controlling Dionex Devices  Dionex Detectors), the commands and properties from the table below are available (please note that the display Filter level determines which commands and properties are displayed):


The names of the Shimadzu commands and properties may be slightly different, depending on the version of your detector.








Low (40°C),
High (50°C)

(Only for the LC2010) Sets the nominal cell temperature.




(Only for the LC2010) Indicates the current cell temperature (read-only).



Recycle, Drain, Auto

(Only available for SPD-10Avp, SPD-10AVvp, SPD-20A, SPD-20AV and LC-2010)

Select the operating mode of the recycle valve:

Recycle: Solvent is always recycled.

Drain: Solvent is always drained.

Auto: Solvent is recycled or drained depending on the specified absorption level. For this, a value must be specified for the Threshold property (see Threshold below).


  • This property is only available if the recycle valve is configured for the LC device in the Server Configuration.

  • The values for RecycleValve and Threshold can be modified anytime (also during run time).




Indicates the light energy in [mV] in the reference beam (read-only).




Indicates the light energy in [mV] in the sample beam (read-only).



0.1 - 999.8 mAU

Select the absorption level that should be applied when RecycleValve is set to Auto. If the absorption level exceeds the specified threshold, the solvent is drained. If the level is below the threshold, the solvent is recycled. Also see, RecycleValve above.


This property is only available if the recycle valve is configured for the LC device in the Server Configuration.




Performs autozero.




See below



0.05; 0.1; 0.5; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0; 3.0; 6.0; 8.0; 10.0

Sets the time in [s] required by the detector signal to rise from 0% to 63% of the full-scale deflection.




Specifies which lamp is to be turned on. Only one lamp at a time can be burning.


Changing from the UV lamp to the VIS lamp takes some time. Therefore, make sure that this does not interfere with sample processing.



SPD-10Avp and LC2010:
190-600 nm

SPD-10AVvp :
D2: 190-370 nm
W: 371-900 nm

Specifies the wavelength for the channel.




Counts the operating hours of the UV (D2) lamp (read-only).



0.0 - 99.9 s

(Only for the LC10A, LC-20A, and LC-30A Systems) Specify the time the systems waits before the valve is switched when the absorption level is below the specified threshold (see Threshold). If the absorption level exceeds the specified Threshold value, the valve is switched immediately.


This property is only available, if the Recycle Valve installed option is enabled on the UV/VIS tab page in the Server Configuration.




Counts the operating hours of the VIS (tungsten) lamp (read-only).



To use the UV_Lamp, Visible_Lamp, Mode, and Response commands, you have to enter them manually in the Commands view of the PGM Editor. This also applies to any additional Autozero commands.

You cannot set UV_VIS_X.Wavelength, UV.Lamp, UV.Response, and UV.Autozero for retention times <0.000 min.

Data acquisition can be started only at the retention time t = 0.000 min.

The system automatically performs an Autozero command at t = 0.1 min. Therefore, leaps may occur in the absorption at the beginning of the chromatogram.

The wavelengths must be appropriate for the lamp that is currently burning: When the UV (D2) lamp is burning, both wavelengths must be between 190 and 370 nm. For the SPD-10AVvp and SPD-20AV with tungsten lamp, both wavelengths must be between 371 and 700 nm or between 701 and 900 nm. For the LC-2010 and the SPD-10Avp, both wavelengths must be between 371 and 600 nm. If the one or both wavelengths are not in these ranges, an Abort message appears during the Ready Check and the program does not start.

Manual data acquisition is limited to 100 min. Chromeleon automatically aborts manual data acquisition on all channels after that time.

² Single Wavelength Mode and Dual Wavelength Mode

To perform data acquisition on two channels (dual wavelength mode: Mode = Dual), two channels must be enabled on the UV/VIS tab page in the Server Configuration program. If only one channel is enabled, the UV.Mode property is not available. Thus, the detector runs always in single wavelength mode (Mode = Single).

If two channels were enabled, the mode depends on the number and type of the channels to be recorded. If two channels are requested for data acquisition, the detector runs in dual wavelength mode. If only the first channel is requested (UV_VIS_1), the detector runs in single wavelength mode. However, if only the second channel is requested for data acquisition (UV_VIS_2), dual wavelength mode is required to make the second channel available. If the detector is configured only for channel 2, a warning appears during the Ready Check. It is still possible to start the program.

Dual wavelength mode is appropriate only if the width of the smallest peak is at least 7.2 s at 50% of the peak height.

Response settings <= 1.0s are allowed only in single wavelength mode. In all other cases, an error message appears during the Ready Check and the program cannot start.

When the mode is changed, Chromeleon automatically disconnects and reconnects the HPLC system. Thus, changing the mode is possible only if no other program is running. When the mode is changed, instrument settings may be reset to the default settings. Therefore, a warning appears for each program that changes the mode. However, the program can be started, nevertheless.


For information about how to install the Shimadzu HPLC Systems, refer to Hardware Installation  Shimadzu LC-2010 HPLC System: Installation and  Shimadzu LC-10A/LC-20A HPLC System: Installation in the Administrator Help section.