Commands and Tips for Third-Party Devices
Perkin Elmer TurboMatrix Headspace Sampler: Program Example

The example below is a typical PGM File for the  Single and Progressive Injection Modes


; Specify the injection mode

InjectMode = Single ; or ‘Progressive’

InjectionsPerVial = 1


; Sample thermostatting

IncubationTime =  6.5 [min]

OvenTemperature = 59 [°C]


; GC cycle time: The time should be sufficiently longer than the PGM

; run time so that the GC has enough time to reset the temperature and

; the flow to the initial values and to get ready for the next

; injection

GCCycleTime = 13.5 [min]


; Remaining time program

PressTime = 0.2 [min]

WithdrawTime = 0.3 [min]

VialVenting = On

VentingTime = 5 [s]


; Temperatur program: e.g., set all temperature separately

FollowOven = Off

NeedleTemperature = 60 [°C]

TransferTemperature = 62 [°C]


; Pressure, e.g., high-pressure injection

HighPressInject = On

CarrierPressure = 100.0 [kPa]

InjectPressure = 110.0 [kPa]


; You can then enter the GC settings

; ...


; The injection procedure starts:

0.000 Wait Sampler.Ready AND GC.Ready



; the following commands refer to GC analysis

; ...


12.000 End


After making some modification, you can use this program for the MHE mode, also. For information about the modifications, refer to  MHE Mode.


For tips for practical operation, refer to  Perkin Elmer TurboMatrix Headspace Sampler: Tips.

For installation details, refer to Installing and Controlling Third-Party Devices  Perkin Elmer TurboMatrix Headspace Sampler: Installation in the Administrator Help section.