Commands and Tips for Third-Party Devices
Perkin Elmer TurboMatrix Headspace Sampler: MHE Mode

In MHE mode (= Multiple headspace extraction), multiple injections are performed from the same vial. Use the Sequence Wizard to create such a sequence (3 injections per vial), e.g.:

The PGM file for the MHE mode is similar to the PGM File for the other injection modes (see  Program Example). The only difference is that you have to specify in the program file how often the injection shall be performed from the same vial. The number of injection repetitions must also be set in the sequence and the number must match the setting in the PGM. Otherwise, the Ready Check fails.

; Specify the injection mode

 InjectMode = MHE

 InjectionsPerVial = 3

; Sample thermostatting

 IncubationTime = 6.5

 OvenTemperature = 59 [°C]



In MHE mode, it is not necessary to set a cycle time (GCCycleTime) because the sampler uses the IncubationTime as cycle time instead. (Note: If you would define the GCCycle time, the time would be saved in the device and then be used as preset cycle time in programs for Single and/or Progressive mode.)

For information about the other two injection modes, refer to  Perkin Elmer TurboMatrix Headspace Sampler: Single and Progressive Injection Modes.

For tips for practical operation, refer to  Perkin Elmer TurboMatrix Headspace Sampler: Tips.

For installation details, refer to Installing and Controlling Third-Party Devices  Perkin Elmer TurboMatrix Headspace Sampler: Installation in the Administrator Help section.