Commands and Tips for Thermo Scientific
ThermoQuest AS2000/Fisons AS800: Program Example
After the Connect
command, the parameter values are initially unknown
to Chromeleon (blank fields in the AS800
control panel). You should enter meaningful values before injection. Use
one of the Method
A/B/C/D buttons on the control panel or specify
them in the sample program. (For more information, refer to Creating and Modifying Programs
Creating a Program.) This
might be a good starting point:
; Standard 10 µl syringe.
; Injection Volume: 1.0 µL.
PreInjCleanVol = 10.0
PreInjCleanCycA = 3
CleanCycles = 1
PostInjCleanCycC = 0
; PostInjCleanVol = 10.0
PullUpCount = 6
PullUpDelayTime = 2.0
AirVolume = 3.0
FillingVolume = 5.0
AspirationSpeed = 100
InjectionSpeed = 100
PreInjDelayTime = 1
PostInjDelayTime = 2
For the commands supported for these instruments and for additional tips, refer to:
AS2000/Fisons AS800 Autosamplers
ThermoQuest AS2000/Fisons AS800:
The Administrator Help section provides installation details; refer to Hardware Installation: