Dionex Pumps
Dionex/LC Packings UltiMate Capillary/Nano HPLC Pump

In addition to the standard pump commands (see  Dionex Pumps), the pumps of the UltiMate system support the following commands and properties (please note that the display Filter level determines which commands and properties are displayed):





Indicates the time in [s] for a switching cycle of the LPG pump proportioning valves; values between 1 and 5s are possible.


Indicates the calibrator type, for example, NAN-75 (read-only).


Optional device description (read-only).


Indicates the system flow, i.e., flow through the separation column:
0.000 to 200.000 µl/min


Indicates the pump head (read-only):





Indicates the installation date (read-only).


Indicates the total number of cycles performed by the corresponding pump head (read-only).

LastService Date

Indicates the date when the last service procedure was performed (read-only).


Indicates the code number of the last service (read-only).


Turns the pump on or off.


Enables or disables peak parking and sets the new flow to the entered percentage of the previous flow
(values: 0 - 100% or Disabled).


State of peak parking (read-only).  For more information, refer to  Peak Parking.


Pressure index in [MPah] (read-only) - a measure of pump wear:

ò Pressure dt


If these limits are exceeded/not met for more than 60 seconds, the system aborts the running batch and starts emergency handling (see Pressure.Lower/UpperLimit)


Indicates the total number of pump cycles (read-only).


Indicates the total volume in [ml] (read-only).


Indicates the total number of power-on hours (read-only).


The UltiMate system splits the flow before the column. Usually, only a part of the flow delivered by the pump is directed through the column. This "system flow" is determined via the Flow command. The flow that must be delivered by the pump to achieve the desired system flow is calculated via the CRP value. The maximum system flow is 200.000 µl/min; the maximum permissible pressure is 400 bar.

The micro pump in the UltiMate system is the "master pump." The master pump is responsible for generating the system flow. The four standard parameters for the master pump (before the flow splitter) are Flow, PressureLowerLimit, PressureUpperLimit, and PressureValue. These parameters can be checked separately, if desired, by entering the term "Master" before the command (for example, MasterPressureUpperLimit). The pressure limits for the master pump can be issued separately. The range for the pressure limits corresponds to the range for the pressure limits of the entire system. However, the flow of the master pump can be no more than 0.5 ml/min. With a Bypass Calibrator installed, up to 5 ml/min is possible.

Commands without the Master prefix refer to the values behind the flow splitter, i.e., to the column flow and the column pressure. In this connection, ColumnPressure refers to the column and TrapColumnPressure refers to the precolumn on the Switchos Switching Device.


The following commands and properties are supported for the flow sensor:




CalibrateCRP [When={BeforeFirstSample|


Performs flow measurement and recalculates CRP. (The property is visible only at the Expert level.)


Indicates the state of the flow sensor: Ready or NotReady. (The property is visible only at the Advanced level and is read-only.) (NotReady is indicated during the flow recalibration procedure.)


Indicates the type of the flow sensor type. (The property is visible only at the Expert level and is read-only.)


For information about how to install the UltiMate pump, refer to Hardware Installation  UltiMate Capillary/Nano HPLC System: Installation.