Dionex Ion Chromatography Systems
Dionex ICS-900 Ion Chromatography System

In addition to the  General Device Commands, the following commands are available for control of ICS-900 operating functions (please note that the display Filter level determines which commands and properties are displayed).

Pump and Inject Valve Commands

In addition to the standard pump commands (see  Dionex Pumps), the following commands and properties are available for controlling the ICS-900 pump.



Pump On, Off, Prime

Turns the pump on or off, or starts the pump priming function.


Indicates the volume of liquid (in liters) in the eluent reservoir. To ensure the accuracy of this value, enter the volume of liquid in the reservoir each time you fill the reservoir.

State, LoadPosition, InjectPosition

The following commands are available:

State indicates or sets the state of the injection valve.

LoadPosition sets the injection valve to load.

Inject Position sets the injection valve to inject (injects the sample). This command is used when an AS or AS50 is not installed.


With the Pump_InjectValve.InjectPosition command, an injection is always performed, even for a Blank Run Sample. This is contrary to the autosampler Inject command. If an AS or AS50 is installed, the autosampler Inject command is used instead of this command.

To perform a blank run without setting the injection valve to the inject position, remove the Pump_InjectValve.InjectPosition command from the program.


Detector Commands

In addition to the standard detector commands (see  Dionex Detectors), the following commands and properties are available for controlling the ICS-900 detector.




Indicates when the detector is ready to start data acquisition.


Sets the rate at which Chromeleon collects digital data points from the detector.


Sets the maximum step rate if Step is set to Auto.


Reports the measured conductivity with no offset applied.



Relay and TTL Output Commands



Relay_1, Relay_2

State, Closed, Open, Duration

The following commands are available:

State indicates or sets the state of the relay.

Closed closes the relay.

Open opens the relay.

Duration toggles the relay's state after the specified time.

The relay-contact closures are normally open. When the relay is closed, current flows to the connected device (turns on the action).

TTL_1, TTL_2
State, 0v, 5v

The following commands are available:

State indicates or sets the state of the TTL.

0v sets the TTL to zero volts.

5v sets the TTL to 5 volts.

Duration toggles the TTL’s state after the specified time.

The TTL outputs are normally at 5 volts. Setting a TTL output to 0 volts turns on the action in the connected device.


TTL Input Commands

Commands for TTL_Input_1, TTL_Input_2, TTL_Input_3, and TTL_Input_4:




Reports the TTL Input Mode, selected in the Server Configuration program (read-only).


Reports the state of the TTL (read-only). TTL inputs are normally at 5 volts. When a connected device sets the TTL input to 0 volts, the function assigned to that TTL (autozero, inject, pump on/off) is activated.


Predictive Performance Commands and Properties




Reports the number of times the injection valve has performed a load/inject cycle (read-only).


Reports the number of piston strokes performed by the pump (read-only).


Reports the amount of wear on the pump piston seal (read-only).


Reports the volume of eluent pumped through the column (read-only).


Reports the volume of eluent pumped through the suppressor (read-only).


Predictive Performance Warnings and Limits

For each predictive performance value listed above, warning and limit values are set (for example, InjectValveCycles.Warning, InjectValveCycles.Limit). When a warning value is reached, a warning message appears in the Audit Trail. When a limit value is reached, an error message appears in the Audit Trail.

After performing maintenance, use the Reset commands (for example, ResetInjectValveCycles) to reset a predictive performance value to 0.

In addition to the commands listed above, calibration and diagnostic commands for the ICS-900 are also available (see How to …:  Ensuring System Wellness for details)..