Privileges (User Rights)

When the User Mode is enabled, the system administrator can assign user rights that determine which actions a certain user group (= Privilege Group) is allowed to perform. The system administrator assigns the access rights in the User Manager (CmUser program).

When the User Mode is enabled, the user can execute most actions in the Chromeleon only if (s)he has the corresponding rights (privileges). Chromeleon provides almost 100 different user privileges, such as ReadSequence, CopySample, DeleteSequence, etc. Instead of assigning each privilege separately to each user, privileges are combined in Privilege Groups (P Groups). Thus, the user's Privilege Group membership defines his(her) privileges.

Each Privilege Group defines a specific range of operations. These are divided in the specific areas: CM-Server Control, Datasource, Sequence, Data Reduction, Reporting, and Miscellaneous. The scope of functions available for one Privilege Group increases with the number of privileges enabled in the individual areas. (For more information about the user privileges, refer to Chromeleon User Management  Privileges (Categories) in the Administrator Help section.

Members of a specific Privilege Group can use all privileges assigned to this group. Each user can be a member of one or several Privilege Group(s). The users belonging to a Privilege Group are listed by name.

The more Privilege Groups you create, the more precisely you can define the assignment of privileges in Chromeleon. The privileges of all Privilege Groups to which the user belongs define the privileges of the individual user.

Privileges, such as DeleteSequence, are assigned globally; that is, a specific privilege is granted for all datasources the user can access. To restrict access, the system administrator can establish Access Groups in the User Manager in addition to the Privilege Groups.